PC has the option to click and drag items to wherever they want with ease. Console players have to navigate through each inventory square with button mashing. By implementing this new system you are adding more button mashes to achieve a result that was simpler before. Placing illusions on weapons and armor is currently a chore with a controller and to add this same system to dye armor is a step in the wrong direction for consoles.
You know, this is a step in the wrong direction for PC. But to hear how much of a slog it will be for Console, and with the elimination of precise stack splitting, this is an utter sh** show!!!
I wanted that big bye station gone and the dye system put back in the fire bowl cauldron like it used to be so yea the new dye system gonna suck.
I miss the useful firebowl cauldron.
This one agrees.
This unasked for alteration benefits no one and squanders the player’s time.
The Dye station is, like many late added craft stations, grotesquely oversized.
If they insist on adding this jank to the game, then at the very least shrink the clucking station to a smaller size, say 2x1x1 at largest. Preferably fitting in a single cube.
And allow it to be unlocked at a much earlier level.
This change is a direct downgrade and an odious one at that.
Man, some of the levels required for unlock just don’t make sense.
Stable: 15, Saddle: 20.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to say it wasn’t worse for pc It just seemed like the reasoning behind this change was pc focused, (even though I think we all hate this change.)
Wait… they’re getting rid of precision stack splitting on console?? That will totally suck.
There’s also the issue of not enough space in the inventory. I like to keep materials in the dyers bench when I need to make a dye or warpaint on the fly. This basically means I need to have a separate storage for dyes (which isn’t enough anyway since I pick them up everywhere), then put them into the dyers bench. I have a better solution that they should consider:
Make the dyes a separate inventory WITHIN the dyers bench. If you collect or craft dyes, they pop up in a stack to the right where you see the selection of dyes with a scroll bar. If you craft one, it adds to the number of how many you have in the stack, maybe up to 1000 or something. THAT WAY you have all the dyes there ready to dye and you can keep using them. You should also be able to take dyes out of the inventory to use in radium torches and the like.
I don’t want to keep moving dyes back and forth and managing my inventories. It’s too cumbersome. What on earth were they thinking? As others have mentioned, it feels like they just wanted to force everyone to use the dyers bench that’s already too big as it is.
Coming soon to the Bazaar, specialized storage, the dye vat.
Yeah I like that idea. Rather than increasing dye bench storage in general, increase it but just for dyes. I have chests of dyes that I’ve collected from drops or raids. They add up.
So just let the dye bench hold more. Good idea @jmk1999
That will provide more value for it taking up more space.
I hate to admit it, but I honestly wouldn’t be surprised… and it wouldn’t be any more space than a chest. As we know, not all the dyes will even fit in that, let alone a large crate. I might be interested in buying it if it contained them all AND had an option to catalog by color.
Honestly, if we are to be shackled to the bench itself, the dyes should be removed.
Dying armour should be a function of the bench, all colours available.
Then warpaints would be crafted with only the brush and paper.
True, but as I mentioned, that would make dying radium torches a bit difficult… and we don’t wanna be stuck to dying the gem in the off chance you say, “no, that color is ugly… let’s try another.” Also, I like looting them because it’s less I have to make. Imagine having to mix the dye EVERY TIME you wanna dye something… especially during trial and error.
This one must clarify.
No mixing dye anymore
Dye is no longer used.
No dye. Item all go away
Bring the armour to the bench, it pops up a full range of colours available in game (like the clan banner has) and you apply it.
Radium gems are an issue as there is cluck all rhyme or reason as to how the light will come out.
Bah. You have called out the fatal flaw in this one’s thought.
Edit: to note, this one does not at all like the inventory UI changes. Hope they don’t make it to live, but this one knows they will…
The Thrall UI is much more to this one’s preferences
I sometimes jump in and out of the test servers with my mods without issues to see the new stuff and I was gonna jump over to the test server to look at some of the new changes but I don’t think this new dye system will play well with my “Fashionist” Mod so I’m gonna sit this one out.
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