Character Location Crashes Server, Cannot Log On To Move

Game mode: Online Private
Type of issue: Crash
Server type: PvE
Region: America


There is an area on our map around G8 (where our base is) that if anyone gets close to it, it crashes the server. Usually after the server resets and you log back on, you spawn away from that area. I, however, before figuring out it was a location issue, moved into that area and cannot get out. Now every time I try to log on to the server, I crash it.

Unfortunately, we tried troubleshooting getting me unstuck for too long and all the saved games on our server do not go back far enough to where I was unstuck. We were also stupid and did not back up our game. So, we have been trying more troubleshooting for three days now. We have tried summonplayer, destroytarget on my unconscious body and anything near me, suicide, kill, turning off all mods, uninstalling and reinstalling battleye, contacting support at gportal, removing me from the database files, and much more. We are at our limit.

Is there a way to send my character to spawn or to my bed out-of-game or thru admin? Or is there a way for me to start my character over without everyone else having to start over? We have already lost a server before and I dont want to have to do it again. We are talking about 565 hours of game play here. It is really important to keep our progress. I dont mind leveling up my character again, it is all the hard work people have put into their builds that is so heartbreaking to lose.

Otherwise, Funcom, is there a way that you can reset my game? So I can start over fresh on the server? Basically make my steam think that I have never owned the game before.

Thank you so much for your help.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. select play online, select server, wait for connection
  2. get all the way to attempting to connect
  3. get failed to connect error message
  4. server crashes for everyone

Try the admin discord, see if anybody over there has any suggestions to try.

UPDATE: Solution (work around) Found

The most important solution we needed to find was making it so my character could log onto the server without having to reset it so my server mates would not lose their builds. I did not mind the idea of having to level my character up again. So my solution was to create a new steam account and family share my games with my new self. It has worked! I did not have to buy the game again and my builds should still be there because they were owned by the clan.

I hope this might help others with similar issues as mine. Good luck, everyone. And, dont forget…
Steel isn’t strong, flesh is stronger.

Thanks again,
Shona the Vexed

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Well done, Shona, and thanks for the info !



G8 is a popular area for people to build bases.

If the server crashes due to player logging out in this area, it’s a server-killer bug, and needs to be fixed ASAP.

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