Characters still missing, are there instructions somewhere?

My dedicated server is back up and working …

First off, THANK YOU Devs for getting this fixed so quickly.

Second, the characters are still gone, is there a posting somewhere on how to get them back and not lose all of the progress?

I’m having the same problem and so are all my players

I tried the DB edit method but either I’m doing something wrong or it just didn’t work.

What is the DB edit method?

Copied and pasted from elsewhere.

This workaround has been tested and is based on info provided by Funcom. It is a workaround and should be used at your own risk. Funcom continues to work on a permanent solution.

It appears the players still faced with this issue are those that were impacted by the original bug (pre 6/18 hotfix) and who either never logged into server or who logged into server, saw the character creation screen and backed out.

The workaround steps:

  1. Log into selected server
  2. Get creation screen
  3. Create a new character (details and name don’t matter/leave defaults)
  4. Commit new character, see that character is ‘in game’
  5. Log out of server, return to main menu screen
  6. Log back into server
  7. Player should be presented with their original character back
  8. profit, you are back in business
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Awesome! Thanks!

I’m happy to report that Multigun’s post works.

UPDATE 2: The above solution works but it’s broken…

The new created character stays in the game (and blocks building) when you relog in with your old character. There’s no way to remove the newly created character.

No lo se

Hi @Multigun ,

Did not work for me, so I used @Krucifear 's method (slightly modified) and it worked for me - testing my player’s accounts now… :+1:

OK, finally got it working by restoring a backup on the day of the patch. Thx all for the assists.

Come visit us sometime!

Croozi’s Chaos & Chill Epic RP Builds & Quests (West Coast)


Who ever is Admin, should teleport the player away, (if they are able to) Not fully aware of messing with offline characters.

The original “create a new character, log out, log back in” fix worked for me.

The “new” character seems to disappear on the NEXT (3rd) log in.

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