Cheaters and funcom does nothing! WHY should we pay for Content anymore?

Server Official = 6417 / PVP

Funcom, doesn’t manage to get a grip on cheating, instead they prefer to tinker with new content.

So, dear Funcom team, what are you going to do about the cheaters who swim undermesh in our bases and steal everything from fair players.

Dear Funcom team. give us a reason why we should continue to pay for updates, if you make it impossible for us to play and the bugs in the game have not been fixed for years.

should we seriously go farming for these cheaters?

Tell us Funcom, why should we support your company?

(Edit by Melcom Forum Moderation are never been a Topic for Public discussion)

Why the hell no one Bann that KEY-Accounts … it just takes 2 minutes , dosent any admin have 2 minutes time for us players ??? Really ?


I just think it’s a shame.
Why don’t you guys hear the game of worry?

Concerns about saying you have no admins, then take a look at the cause.

We paid money for the game and a lot of time!

i dont know what happend to funcome they dont listen to the ppl i dont know what more importnet fix the gmae or release another dlc to get more mouny from us but whene we need you to help us so the game will not be bad coz the ppl you arnt try yo listeng i send you email like a week ago and there is no answer


signed … all true

i also reported manny players using exploites, but noone cares, since 2 years.
at the beginning of conan the admins helped us players , but now the do nothing.

we send proof so that they easy and quick help us, but nothing.

i remeber a loading screen , where it says " DONT USE CHEATS or GLITCHES "
but if the admins dont care , why should the players care about that…

Its a true SHAME


Same on 6414 official server last night.
Undermesh to our cave in the north.
We won’t bother report it. We will be gran father before funcom will adress that.
So we are looking for another game.
After thousands of hours on it, it is really a shame that Conan Exiled cannot reached its full potential.

Goes against the “Funcom does nothing and doesn’t care” agenda of the thread, but here you go.


Hi Multigun. I might missing something but I don’t see any announcement regarding undermeshing in the release note of the forthcoming 2.1.? Am I wrong? Thanks for your clarification

People who have been banned have been dodging the ban by using family share. The upcoming change fixes that.

As for undermeshing, there is already information throughout the forums that has been discussed at extensive length about their anti-undermesh utility. Here is the very fast summary.

They are working on it. It’s not done, it’s on Testlive for testing and has been for months until false positives are lessoned.


“They are working on it

Honestly we are all sick of that response …

Here’s what they actually say now

`Thank you for the videos, while we’re already aware of the methods using to get into the mesh and have fixed several in the past, our current efforts to provide a more permanent and scalable method of addressing this exploit are in the works and also being publicly tested on the Test Live servers, as previously mentioned, which detect, register and punish players who manage to get undermesh.

We’re hoping to release this as soon as possible but, for now, our team issues punishments based on the gravity and (re)incidence of the reported infractions manually.`

The patch is coming then the next patch and the next and the next …

Meanwhile servers are depleting each night dude to cheaters …

Enough with the false promises and b.s


Trust me. If you ban them (btw. I would love to know how many accounts have been banned since the launch of Siptah). They will pay 10 bucks to get another copy of the game and create another steam account without using the family share option. As it will take you months to ban this account, the ROI on the new purchase will be good for the cheaters. It won’t slow down undermesh. The family share removal is just good to ensure that we don’t have a clan that farm almost 24/7 with one unique purchase of the game.

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I totally agree with you. we are having the same issue with our server aswell. already sent tickets but seems like nobody working on it. Walking under-water, undermesh bases, disappearing from the map that we could handle but now there is 2 players keep crashing the server every 10 minutes. do we need to go European Court of Human Rights? FUNCOM can you WORK for once PLEASE? Thank you.

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Lmao. Go ahead and let us know how it goes. I hope you realise how ridiculous you sound saying this.

Cheaters are killing your favourite game, we all agree but violating your human rights!?


Dude, did you take it serious?

Given funcom use majority of the unreal engine for their game dev needs bypassing the piracy of the game isn’t hard either so the family share thing is a good start but if they assume the test client and family share account is the knock out blow for cheaters …

Then … they still haven’t sat down and given this thought

Patching and patching and patching , since years … LOL they didnt patch whats is really important
to the players…

Funcom dosent care about that forum and what we talking about ,
it was the same with the first Conan Realse .No one really listen and Funcom dosent learned the last 10 years.

I dont know why the have forum moderatos, when they dont lsiten to us and report it to funcom.

Considering the absurdity of some complaints on these forums, yours wasn’t even difficult to take seriously. People have been claiming their constitutional rights (as in, the U.S. Constitution) on privately owned forums of a Norwegian company owned by Chinese investors.

@Kyra: As to the original topic of this thread: we should pay for content because we want content. Also, some of that money is used to pay for those people who ban cheaters and develop anti-undermesh measures. Without the money generated by sales, Funcom cannot pay for their employees.

If you don’t feel like spending more money to the game, that’s your choice, and you have every right to decide what to do with your money. But your angry forum posts won’t pay the bills for those Funcom employees who are trying to do what you’re demanding them to do.


Please excuse this complaint.

If you look at Conan Exiles without a siptah, we bought a finished one, and you can expect the game to be handed over without errors.
Even if this contains errors that allow other players to cheat, your greatest concern should be to correct these errors immediately.
It is not the player’s mistake to have acquired a finished game, but the programmer’s mistake not to have eliminated it. Not even in retrospect.

On the subject of Siptah:
Yes, it’s a beta, and we don’t expect it to run flawlessly.
What we can expect, however, that players who cheat will be excluded from the game without detours. This is not a temporary problem, the problem remains if these players are allowed to continue playing.

Besides, I’m wondering why Battleeye is running here and why Steam is not interested in it, Funcom could also hand over player complaints to Steam in order to block entire accounts.

There are many ways for Funcom to respond, but it does not seem to make good use of them

Please excuse this complaint.

If you look at Conan Exiles without a siptah, we bought a finished one, and you can expect the game to be handed over without errors.
Even if this contains errors that allow other players to cheat, your greatest concern should be to correct these errors immediately.
It is not the player’s mistake to have acquired a finished game, but the programmer’s mistake not to have eliminated it. Not even in retrospect.

On the subject of Siptah:
Yes, it’s a beta, and we don’t expect it to run flawlessly.
What we can expect, however, that players who cheat will be excluded from the game without detours. This is not a temporary problem, the problem remains if these players are allowed to continue playing.

Besides, I’m wondering why Battleeye is running here and why Steam is not interested in it, Funcom could also hand over player complaints to Steam in order to block entire accounts.

There are many ways for Funcom to respond, but it does not seem to make good use of them

I Send manny Cheater reports over 1 Year ago , with proofs and all what they need .
And they are still playing and cheating .
How long should players wait ?

Hey there,

Regarding undermesh and as @Multigun stated above, we have been testing the anti-undermesh feature on Testlive for quite some time, but the feedback received during this period has not been abundant enough to cover for the number of false positives. We have been working on identifying and fixing hundreds of them individually since the initial WIP release of this feature earlier this year.
Enabling this feature would have caused some severe problems as it happened in the past where this feature was enabled in live servers either accidentally (some mods activated this feature due to incompatibility) or intentionally (private servers choosing to opt into this work in progress feature).
We have decided to take this approach since the bigger problem is not the current method to access it (we have fixed countless methods in the past), but the fact that being under the mesh in unintended areas is possible.
As it stands as of the time of this writing:

  • All false positives reported and that we’re aware of have been fixed in the current 2.1 build on Testlive.
  • Once 2.1 is released live, we will monitor internal logs and telemetry to determine if there are any remaining false positives we are not aware of.
  • If the above is not revealing any major issues, we will enable that feature on the Exiled lands.
  • The above entails the Exiled lands. We have received very little feedback about Siptah, but based on our current findings, the feature is not in a good spot right now to enable so it will require more work.

We are aware of the methods, systems and use of this and other exploits, but please understand that there is a difference between being aware and being able to fix it immediately. Some exploits take almost no time to develop and release a fix for while others, such as this one, take a longer more arduous process. We’ve been working on fixing many exploits we’ve been aware of, such as many stamina exploits, super jump exploits, stacking exploits, building exploits, duping exploits, macro exploits and vulnerability exploits thanks to the collaboration of players who came forward and shared details about these exploits with us, and from our QA team.

Regarding the moderation on servers, please be aware that we are currently receiving a high number of reports that exceed the current manpower dealing with this. In cases like this our team has to prioritize between severity of the report, quality of the evidence provided and other factors. Additionally, most of the administrative action done is not permanent bans, but temporary suspensions. This is explained in our rules, with permanent bans being reserved to those players who either were involved in very grave infractions, or received a number of previous disciplinary actions against their accounts.
We understand this method of dealing disciplinary action might not be as harsh or as ideal as every player requires, which is why we give the option to move to or start a private server, which can make use of the wide array of settings available (even with mods included) and set and enforce any set of rules that will fit their needs.
This is not to excuse our actions but to provide a better look at our internal processes. We are aware of the shortcomings and we’re working on improving on them twofold, by hiring and building a stronger customer support team and by building better tools to streamline the processes involved.

We apologize for any frustrations you might face during your time in official servers due to exploits and foul play, and rest assured we’re proactively working to improve on that from our side of things.


Thanks Ignasis

In order to better understand the size of the problem, would you be able to share the numbers of accounts you have temporarily banned on Siptah?

Could you also give us the rationale behind temporary ban instead of permanent ban for such thing? We are talking about players who succeeds to teleport all the player logged in to a single spot. We are talking about players / trolls that have admin power on official siptah servers. We are talking about players that just because they exist are not only robbing stuff but also make you play with a potential continuous threat.

I almost considered to learn how to do it, how to fight them, build an avenger clan and clean all of your servers of this cheaters for the greater good.

We unfortunately can’t share any specific details about number of suspensions, but they’re nearing the thousands. Our first way to strike against these kind of players and to reinforce the importance of suspensions versus bans is our incoming changes to Family Sharing in official servers, which you can read here: