Cheaters are rampant Official servers are dead the Truth on hackers

It doesn’t seem to matter as I’m not indoctrinated like you.

At least I try to understand.

Your grammar arguments look like it’s straight out of the book on Hasbara. Enough!

Ohhh… is it more fun to cheat?

This is like pvp on the forums. :face_vomiting: :yawning_face:

Playing the victim, got it.


Hackers be hacking and Funcom doesn’t care.


Your nightmares of this are true. One or another group claims they are earning money for DLCs and stuff. They do that to stay unbanned. It might be costly for FC to ban one clan that is only a front to a group of 40+ off-liners.

(Some continue to cheat)

I can agree with that from a kernel perspective.

At least you know I’m playing, still, so you don’t know.

dude just go away. you don’t add anything to the discussion and its clear to every single person who reads the crap that you wrote that you don’t have any idea what the hell your talking about


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