This is what official servers has come too

I blame this all on funcom who is totally silent on cheating …


Yeah the cheating is off the charts right now. I don’t think the pvp will last another age if they don’t patch up some of the holes the cheaters are using to do what they do. Speed hacks are one thing but loot vacuming and hit box pulling is killing the game. I used to store my most prized loot on camels but now they just pull the hitboxes of all the thralls in your base during raid and kill them all at once at lightning speed. Now i don’t even bother trying to save loot lol. Its pointless.

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its been that way for years. got two, possibly three hackers on the server i’m on now emptying chests out in the middle of the night with nothing showing in the logs. they’ll get bored and move on in a week or two. at least it not a full crew with 13 hackers like the time before

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Yeah,official has become unplayable.

Spend a few weeks on a low pop server but once a new clan joined and we went over 10 people at peak hours.

A cheater clan joined.The whole server was attacking them but there is no point, cheaters always win against legit players.

I also noticed that cheaters arent interested in loot.They think they have won when they log in and noone else is logging in anymore.

yes, ladybug in our server same… today the clan the whispers, unplayable.

Report the hackers and Funcom responds that they “take cheating seriously”. No, Funcom, you do NOT take cheating seriously.

We had an official server with a healthy population growing - around 15 concurrent players, maybe 25 active. One cheater rolls in and takes out a few people. Reported, but nothing done because I don’t have video of the player looting the stations inside my undamaged base while I was offline.

The following week, another hacker rolls in, never seen on the server before. They single handedly, in one night, take out the bases three clans of 5+ active players each, two long term solo players bases, and multiple other smaller groups/solo players. Reported for cheating, Funcom refuses to investigate due to not having video.

This player almost assuredly has a sky base. Funcom could look at their logs, find the players base location and check it via admin mode to confirm it is not a sky base or undermesh, but they refuse to do so. Meanwhile, I’m pretty much the only one online anymore with a few new people occasionally online who weren’t raided by the hacker.

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They more than likely have an undermesh and not a skybase. It’s easier for them to build and lots of places they can do it in. In the past month we’ve found two undermesh bases and had at least three hackers, probably more but we was only able to get id’s on three of them

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