Chests and other placeables lose stability after picking up foundations

Several of my logs in this thread show other placeables decaying as well. You can see a Khitan Folding Screen decaying in the log screenshot in my previous post above. Other posters have shown chess pieces on a chess board decaying. Chests are just the most prevalent placeable and the most common in a building. I have also noticed that picking up a building piece, like a foundation, doesn’t reset the decay timers. However, placing a building piece does. The game is doing a stability check when you pick up a building piece, so that is why I am seeing chests and placeables fall within a few minutes after I pick up a foundation. The distance matters, too; placing a new foundation only resets items within 4 - 5 foundations.


you guys recently introduced MAJOR decay and stability bugs that are wiping bases. in some cases up to 3 years of activity LOST on official pve-c and pvp servers. This is going to destroy what little life is left in this game. Maybe thats what you guys want?

i mean if so, good job. i dont even feel like playing anymore after a bug wiped 6 months of activity in a blip. heartbreaking and overwhelming dissapointment. SHAME ON YOU.

What a week. Posting logs from the worst of my buildings to lose chests.

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Confirming the decay and stability problem on my Xbox server. Just last night a player on our server lost 30 (!!) chests because of this. We even disabled building decay earlier this week, but ofcourse it doesn’t help. Funcom, the game is in a terrible state right now, this is a horrible bug! I have been watching this thread for a while now hoping for an update with some good news. Why not just reverse the feature to pick up building items right away instead of letting the player base suffer for weeks? You can re-introduce it later when you have fixed the problem and it’s been properly tested!!

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Good to know that disabling the decay doesn’t help. Since you are playing on a private server, maybe a rollback is possible.

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I can confirm also that disabling the decay system in solo-player doesn’t help, picking up building pieces still causes the chests to lose stability.


I don’t think rollback would help much. Different players are reporting these issues almost every day. Even if we restored to a recent backup, we’d still lose all progress since the backup was taken. I really hope Funcom will pay some attention to this ASAP and disable the feature to pick up items immediately if that is what is causing it.

Private servers have an option to disable the pickup, a good test perhaps? I am yet to lose anything but I have no really played much with Funcom’s pickup function.

All I know is that the devs are aware of the issue and looking into it.

Confirming this issue on official #1036. Chests and Deco start decaying randomly even if decaytimer were on max the day before. Deco placebales decay after months without problems.
Some players lost massive amounts of chests.

This happened right after login

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Its frustrating and annoying! They just do nothing and let the players loose their stuff. I cant believe it, its just like in very bad alpha/early-access game. We spent hours to get very rare stuff like special torches, weapons or masks fore example. Not even one official information about it to save the players efforts, ridiculous!

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The new Holiday hours will not help.

This box didn’t reset ( I have removed the contents as a precaution ).

The one below did.

Items dissapear also that are not connected to buildings but are close to em. (No mods/addons, NO DECAY, dedicated private server.) I picked foundation from another building and lost everything I had (clutter) on a table in building next to it. Those buildings were not even connected. This happens now very often to the point I am affraid to even build or dismantle anything as I lost a lot of clutter, chests and misc items. Started to happen after latest update.

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The easiest way to reproduce and see the issue: A buddy of mine taking down the foundation → all the planters nearby that did not have direct ground contact went poof.

We can’t prepare a server like this for some lovely RP peeps °.° We need a fix soon.


The worst part of this is, they likely dropped the patch and went on vacation until the new year. We are going to see this bug go un-fixed until Jan… if we are lucky.

Small additional info: yesterday upgraded some foundations from T1 to higher (flotsam to reinforced stone) without demolishing/picking up; torches (not on foundations but somewhere in that area) immediately lost stability. Suggestion: better not to touch anything until fix is delivered…

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Anyone heard ANYTHING from Funcom about this? I just don’t understand why they can’t revert the pick-up functionality for now. The problems just continue, a HUGE base just decayed on our server today even if the players were logged in a couple of days ago. This is KILLING the game, PLEASE DO SOMETHING FUNCOM, you’ve had plenty of time, this is so frustrating :pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive::pensive:

Because those code changes might not be easily revertible without reverting a whole bunch of other things that were bundled into the same update. And they probably can’t revert the whole update, because some of the changes most likely affected something in the game database schema, so if they reverted the update, the game databases would be invalid.

Note, I’m not defending Funcom’s silence on this topic, I’m just explaining – as a software developer – the technical reasons behind the specific thing you asked about.


Not saying they should revert the entire update, but when a newly added functionality totally messes up the game like this clearly did and they can’t fix it within readonable time, they should at least disable the functionality while working on a fix. Just disable the option. I’m both a developer and sysadmin and know it is not just pressing a button, but they’ve had weeks and there is nothing happening, no communication, nothing. There are no good excuses for this, and it clearly does not have priority. We put a lot of effort and time into our servers, and it is really frustrating to see people losing their stuff and bases that they have worked on for a long time, maybe months. People are giving up on the game. This is a NASTY bug and it deserves attention in my humble opinion.

I haven’t heard anything specific about bases decaying only about the issue with the chests and placeables for which I know they have enough information. It might be worth providing more details in a separate thread about your base issue.

It has been over 2 weeks now since this issue was reported and still no information? Great way to show dedication to a product and to customers. Meanwhile stuff continues to decay randomly and people lose months worth of their time.
Happy holidays anyway.