Chests dissapearing when logging on

Game mode: Online official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE
Region: EU
Mods?: No
Edition: Steam

Bug Description:

I played on the 30th of Januari, then I skipped a couple of days, and today I logged on again (02/02), so 3 days in between logging on.
At the exact time of logging on at 20:14 (according to the logs) a number of chest that are in my base started decaying.
I lost a lot of valuable stuff in them

This really sux

Steps to Reproduce:

No Idea


weird time stamps as well
20:14:17 chest started decaying and will decay at 20:14:08

So chest will decay in the past.

So it looks like chest stacking hasn’t been fixed

I think its more shelf related issue. I placed this tiny nemedian horse statue on one and left the base for a few hours as i came back it was gone. If you want to be safe check with tab on every chest for stability and timer.



Thank you for your report. We’ll reach out to you in private to ask further questions about your base.

Please make sure to check your forum notifications and direct messages. :slight_smile:


Good idea, will do that.

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Oh wow, thank you for this tip. I found 2 more.
Normal chests:

‘defective chests’ @Caroll if the dev’s want to have a look, make it quick because I will be removing these:

71 hrs is indeed less than 3 days.



Feel free to move them. Our team will only work with the backup files of the server.

Gotta make sure not to mess with anything in real-time on your base. :sweat_smile:


Glad that i could help you Sting01 and thanks for watching into it Mayra :slight_smile:

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in my base its happening to but with hanging banners and incense

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