Clan system revamp server admin tools expansion

hey there just have a couple suggestions and maybe questions at the same time

recently bought a 20 slot for a year , sick of being offline raided by ark bullies , glitchers , dupers and the lot.

so learning how to play with admin commands as up till now i only played officials and nothing else
I am noticing some things with running a ps4 console server and playing with the options and talking to other players in my player group

i would like to set up map rooms with no ownership at all obelisks for fast travel once a player has tuned their bracelet.

The issue being there is no way to set up a user login or build as a admin to build such things as say part of the map, there are no abilities to set up a dungeons or rp areas without any form of ownership tied to whoever is building as a admin or building the structures. (or is there?)

it would be nice if we could have a way to set up dummy buildings ,events or essentially template the server in essence for community structures that do not tie into the decay system or a specific player and have no ownership or purge issues.

admin mode to me should make you a separate entity or at least have some kind of option to make you a separate entity that is able to lay building pieces as part of the map.(am i missing something?)…

maybe an ability to toggle that on and off in admin mode or a admin building section for world placeables capable as functioning as part of the map…

this leads me to another issue with gportaL and ps4 , everyone seems to be pointing at someone else most at funcom themselves …

back ups of a server it says are only stored for 3 months , and having no access to the db files to make a complete back up and/or download for long-term storage

after setting up map rooms and some basic new player welcome structures all over the server makes it a little bit discerning if i have to do a reset to the server in say 4 months and find that the file i need with nothing but my map rooms already placed and set up in my back up section is not there because gportal only keeps a back up for 3 months and only keeps some files is a little bit hair pulling

i love the game and ive bought every dlc since the game came out , even still play a bit on officials but am hoping to build my own long term personal server …these kind of issues make it a grind in all aspects it would be nice to see some additions to this type of play to keep the game going , besides a lot of official servers are long dead from grievers

it would be nice to be able to template a server from gportal , or back up one copy long term say a check box on the file list for one long term storage back up

the ability to have locking boxes is awesome but a pin code option would be cool too, also the ability to have a room locked by rank , every clan needs a sgts mess :slight_smile:

the ability to control level cap on private servers and the ability to control what is available to build on the server like a toggle list for recipes and feats

my last suggestion would be

a complete revamp of the clan system
the issue of being trapped in a dead clan and no way to level yourself up if people quit is exhausting. some kind of clan player quit timer is needed or a clan timeout system where if they dont sign in for 20 days they get kicked from the clan or something , also loosing your grind time and possessions just because you joined a clan , jeez lol

anyways the game is awesome and its progression since the beginning is just mind blowing , cant wait to see where it progresses from here …thanks funcom!!

ps i hold these concerns as i dont want to use admin for personal use , ive played enough that i like the grind i just dont like loosing it all to glitchers and decay, but i would like to be able to set up a server and not have everything in it connected to me any insight or info would be awesome thanks for reading all!!

@Trife200 have had a server over a year. You have some good ideas that I wish could be implemented. Map rooms can still be used by others if not enclosed. You can leave chests to be manually locked. But work benches and fish traps can not be locked leaving theft issues. Good luck gotta go back to work.

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Well I finally figured out how to add another ps4 user that can actually get onto conan (had permission issues)

So I named it admin figure if I build admin buildings with him and use my normal Ps account for game play and no admin use then it’s a start…

The issue I really have is not being able to hard copy your server files especially when paying as much or more for a server than pc, where you can back up your entire server… This I find problematic for long term server running

If I want to template a server for an emergency clean install and not loose 20+hrs of setting up a server… Then I should have an option through gportal to do so… The only saving a server save game and limiting access to a 3 month back up really makes keeping the console server not worth it… If I back it up with basic structures let people join have an issue in 4 months and want to do a clean boot with my basic structures I cant

Seems a little bit problematic when I can go back to pc, run a dedicated for free and have funcom get no take of anything…

Also console officials are back to pre free levels… Dead as dead gets mostly

I love the game and want to keep it on console, but we need more options rolled out for consoles and somebody at fun com to actually grab a ps4 and test live it :joy:

Good idea with the admin character. I already play my second character on my server and everyone knows who I am as server owner. Could be wrong but I don’t think some things will ever be available for consoles.

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As a former private owner on PS4, i agree with everything you want. But I don’t think console will ever get that support to design a true private server that is unique. Basically we have settings that we can toggle as we think. Th e.db stuff from my understanding is a Microsoft/Sony side issue that pertains to security. Which is why we can’t get our own .db save files etc. I have posted 2 or 3 threads with basic console admin things…25 ■■■■ points i can put and set up with loot tables. Unique admin structures for city and dungeon building. More control of the core resource spawns…brimstone, iron, stone, and wood. Where you control the base level value of each harvest.


It would be nice to see some expansion for the console following, that’s why I say it seems everyone wants to point at someone else instead of doing it… I mean there has to be a way to keep the security on gportal and give us a option to toggle long term save files… Like say one backup in the list that can be toggled to stay in long term saves or something…

Love the game and it has so much potential on all systems unfortunately consoles get the short stick it seems


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