Climbing issue Unnamed City and Black Galleon cliffs

Game mode: Online Official
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvE-Conflict
Region: NA

Unable to climb certain walls and most ledges in unnamed city just throw you off when you reach the top. Climbing walls where there is a slight raise throws you off or doesn’t let you climb any higher than a certain point.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Climbing a any wall or world building.
  2. Reaching ledge or highest point of a wall exits climbing and drops you back down causing extreme damage.
  3. Climbing impossible on many walls near Black Galleon you just can’t climb without being force-exited out of climbing
  4. Smallest lag or desync causes you to just fall or pushed away.

I’ve always had to find a way to avoid most overhangs, but some are worth it. The Child of Jhil caves come to mind, both the back way in and the loot chests on a ledge. I rarely can’t find a way into or above the UC, but some are tricky. The devs put in rest spots for those like me that are vertically-challenged.

One thing to note is that if you hold down the spacebar while climbing, slippage is drastically reduced, mostly to zero.

I did agree with a post over a month ago that contended climbing had been made a bit harder. C’est la vie.

I can’t comment on desync, but light lag has not really affected me.

Good luck !



Climbing is a bit underdeveloped, it doesn’t have to be perfect like in some simulator, but this mechanics really needs some love :broken_heart:.

I confirm it…
…and advise to not climb straight up in the worst places.
In addition, the game sometimes does not realize that I released the spacebar, after approaching any wall begins climbing :woman_climbing:.

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Yeah, it sucks… But it was even worse during 1 patch. Around April/May/June it was THE BEST!!

You could climb such things without any problem… Even overhangs…

Currently I dont even bother getting the 2 relic fragment chests in UC, which are at high pillars (one near the bat, one near red mother).
Its not worth it, because you are nearly unable to overcome the last edge.

Hey @nieymmah

We’ve forwarded this information to our team so they can give it a look and perhaps improve the climbing mechanics.
Thanks for the feedback.


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