Clipping issue on foundations

Game mode: [Online
Region: American server playing from oceanic region

Getting a few more issues with my base since the update but the main one is a clipping issue where I get a falling animation and start to clip through some foundations,

also having an issue where some of the foundations are reverting to a lower level of detail as if I’m further away from them

Steps on how to reproduce issue:

The clipping issue is a very old, persistent bug, happens with ceilings and terrain as well, just less frequently than with foundations.

Hasn’t happened until this patch so I think there may be something new

Been happening since a long time before this patch, but it’s not consistent or deterministic. You just haven’t run into it until now :slight_smile:

They even have a card for it on their Trello.

Hello @Tytan, could you provide a video or screenshots of the issue?

Which type of foundations are causing this?

Although it’s likely related to an older issue as it has been mentioned, any additional information would be great!

im suddenly gettin it in a certain place on arena foundations next to the derketo curtains.

I had it yesterday in my main base, outside the northwestern gate of the Unnamed City. Logged off and back on and it stopped. And in my case, it wasn’t foundations, it was ceilings and wedges.

EDIT: Oops, forgot to say that in my case it’s on PC, not PS4. Sorry :frowning:

@Hugo it has happened with aquillonian, yamatai and frontier sets so far, is happened just then with a set of the aquillonian stairs I can see of I can get video of it for you, might just take a bit

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quick fix for me has been to move away far enough that it re renders, i cant even place thralls or placeables where/when this happens.

From my experience this is a loading issue. It happens alot when i enter my base from first login or dying from very far away.


A video would be very much appreciated!

I sent you a PM with a video link

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