Clothes and Hair Not Moving on Xbox One Single Player

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Basic Info:

Platform: Xbox One
Issue Type: Graphics
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: SolidSnakeATX

Bug Description:

Clothing not moving (I put PVP only because I’m not sure) - I’m on Xbox One seen this happen but usually fixed itself, wanted to take matters a bit further as just wanted to notify that the clothing still stiff as a board after some days now. Clothing and hair is not moving but does move on the thralls I do notice that. The men’s :eggplant: still has movement. Just reporting is all.strong text.

Bug Reproduction:

None that I know of, seen it happen a couple of times then it would fix itself but then noticed it now has kind of stayed

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Greetings @RomanoMGS2 ,

Can you try to change some visual settings to see if this is still happening?

If possible, please, send us a video so we can verify it as well.

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Here you go, I went in changed visual settings then hit X default. I changed gameplay settings also and reset default as well with X. I moved my character his vanir earrings his hair and clothes do not move. It’s been like this going on over a month I would say since I detected it. At first didn’t think much of it haha but then I’m like hey o this is just a bit odd is all and found out how you can report bugs on future forums. Would also say that I got to mess with the Orb of I forgot what it’s called but you can change the appearance of your character, and the view is very off to where you can’t see what you are editing. All on Xbox One

Remove your bracelet.

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You are sure that will fix it? I don’t want to lose out and delete everything :frowning:
I’m hoping for a fix on this without resorting to workarounds

@Lucidique is talking about removing your bracelet, not recreating your character. It’ll just send you back to your bed via death. Kind of like a character stuck button.

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Thanks guys, I removed bracelet unfortunately still not working I went back for my body and nope the clothes still don’t move

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Wanted to add I changed all kinds of settings and weirdly it worked after some strange freeze up and then froze again during gameplay later but noticed the clothes stopped moving again, I changed nudity settings and notice his :eggplant: no longer moved now just wanted to report

Do it out of render range of your base. Big builds and / or lots of thralls can break boob jiggle etc

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