Communication Expectations

Developement is in a bad state because alot of people want to be a coder, but no one really wants to work as a coder. My group has one of thier kids talking how he loves to learn about code, networking etc. A teeneager. He dabbles with a few starter packages. And when we explain that what he wants is not all fun and games he gets a little frustrated. Saying i want to be able to do this or that, why should i have to learn the other stuff. Thus a lot of coders think work is like a hobby. And thus here we are, a generation of coders who dont understand what they are really doing outside of thier ā€œfunā€ area of work.

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Iā€™d argue itā€™s because good developers donā€™t want to work for toxic companies. There are amazing developers out there; I mean, look at any modding scene.

Well duh. You should enjoy doing your work.

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Of course you should. But at the end of the day, as long as itā€™s work, there will be parts you wonā€™t enjoy.

And if weā€™re talking about software development, even if itā€™s not work, there will probably be parts that you donā€™t enjoy but you have to do them anyway.

Thereā€™s a lot of work that goes into ensuring software quality: writing documentation, maintaining test coverage, measuring performance, testing on a variety of different platforms, etc. Different people like or dislike different kinds of work, but very few people Iā€™ve known over 20+ years of software development experience are enthusiastic about all of it.

Hell, when I worked at a game development studio, most QA contractors were resigned to being treated like shіt because most devs would get annoyed when the QA contractor pinged them about a bug they discovered.

I found that out by accident, after thanking the QA guy for helping me repeatedly test different solutions until we fixed the bug. He looked at me like I was an alien and said I was the first ever to thank him for working on a bug.

Thatā€™s the kind of culture you get when you take ā€œyou should enjoy doing your workā€ to an extreme where it turns into ā€œyou should only do work you enjoyā€.


Thank you. Yes, one should enjoy thier profession. But as you said, many people take that as not doing the little parts that are essential for upstream and downstream clients success. One person not doing the ā€œlittle headache part of thier jobā€ because it isnt ā€œfunā€ can make another area have larger headaches.
I learned this with 30 years of mfg experience. What I take as saving me time may add 3x that time to another area because i removed the step from my area.
In essence, the whole company has a net loss of time. That is what i meant by not wanting to work vs being something. The best employees see outside of thier area, the worst just want to be good at thier area, even at the cost of overall company effeciency. This includes management btw.


Sorry for the off-topic quip, but my brain read this expression in Samuel L. Jackson voice before it occurred to me that ā€œmfgā€ probably stands for ā€œmanufacturingā€ :rofl:


Day 1 that funcom could be taking advantage of to make a difference.

You do understand the difference between a job and a hobby yes?

You should do your work whether you enjoy it or not.
If itā€™s too odious, find a different job.
But at the end of the day there are plenty of jobs that are no oneā€™s idea of fun, and hence they carry greater compensation.

This isnā€™t Carte Blanche for employers to be arbitrary @$$es, and make tasks unnecessarily burdensome, but if one expects compensation, they need to perform to standard whether they enjoy it or not.


There are very few in this world that enjoy their jobs.

There are even fewer that are compensated appropriately for the work they do.


This is sadly the truth.


I did aquariums retail for 6 years. The one thing I truly understand. Worked at a shop that was just aquariums, fresh and salt. Loved the work, quite possibly the worst boss I have ever worked for.
More then once I had to stop myself from knocking him across the room.
Got hired away by a full line pet store for a $.75 an hour raise that the 40 mile drive to and from ate. Loved the work, great boss. Just let me run my dept.

But I am not cut out for dealing with people all day. You all stress the hell out of me.

Every other job I have had was a ā€œlaborerā€ job. Agribusiness or construction. It was work, it paid the bills, it was not fun.

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:innocent: I love my fishies!!!

You donā€™t say? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Trust me, I am not being insulting or anything at all. I fully understand what you are saying.


ā€œPeople are just the worst.ā€
It was said and all persons in attendance nodded in sage agreement.

While this statement is comedy goldā€¦
It is also unironically very accurate.
Which is why the fool so successfully reminds the court of it regularly.l



O mesmo assunto, mas parece que pularam do navio ā€œconanā€ em movimento

Indeed, which is why Iā€™m so happy that the legendary ex-modder Peter ā€œDuranteā€ Thoman is now working professionally to port my all-time favorite video game series to PC. Literally the only game releases that I start playing on release day, rather than wait for a month for patches, because I can trust the quality of the product.

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I think you know me well enough by now, I would love this job. :blue_heart:

Iā€™m editing to add: as a manufacturer, because Iā€™m in the Marketing/Tech side, I have resisted looking into the other parts. This is ineffective and makes me one-dimensional. Your point is very understated and excellent.


Itā€™s the other stuff that makes a job crap :yum:

Iā€™ve had the pleasure and luck of 3 jobs where I thoroughly enjoyed the work. I ended up hating with deep passion because of management and pay.

Also working a crap job but being treated like gold is a whole different unlocked level. Thatā€™s where I am at now. If only I loved my job for the work I do then Iā€™d be in heaven!


irony mode on:

have you guys noticed how much funcom communication has improved in the last week?

omg, so awesome to read them talking with the community againā€¦ wowā€¦

irony mode off.

we are still waiting, amazing is it? @Community


The last job I had they had me scheduled for 2 weeks a month so I wouldnā€™t get another job during the off season. I had to quit for my health and they never managed to keep anyone on after me.

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