Conan Exile rune

Oh ok I didn’t know that, thanks for the correction!

You have the only rune you can buy via Exiles, the one you posted above. As the other mentioned (and I think you did not understand them right), that rune you have is the OP crit rune. Use it on a toon, hit something, and you will see the crit buff popping up. If people tell you they got other runes for buying Conan Exiles they are not right.

Besides the T5 and T6 runes and the Exiles rune there are: Runes from the Arena (PvP and PvE), and from a AoC subscription offer which are no longer available.

As VoiceofCrom said, you can only have one minor (blue) rune and one major (purple) rune running at the same time. If you see people with “more” runes…well, that are not runes, but blessings or T6 gear or runic blessing (what the heck?) buffs. Also there are runes changing visuals from shop boxes as Yawgmoth mentiones.

There are also some runes, that can be found in the boxes that we can buy from the shop, that gives visual effects on some circumstances. For example, one of my toons has one that triggers in case of a fatality. But it’s just visual effect, not a buff.

Correction of the correction: T6 rune is a runic blessing not a minor blessing.

There are three types of blessings,
Major runic, runic and minor runic.

Yes it is possible, when i left we did not have them, but, i have 2 runes from the arena, i can run both the arena runes, but i have the rune from the achievement. If i run this one i cannot run the other 2 but one only. These runes from T5 and T6 i suppose they are those in yellow color with PvP penalties and tenancy. Am I really confused? I just want to get for my toon good stats. If i fiind the player who was running the 3 runes plus the bonus from the T5 and T6 i’ll try to screen it. Regards,

Just join a guild that clears T5 and T6 and you will be fine.

Right, I forgot that it was of a different kind. :sweat_smile:
However, since we’re talking about it, are there any chance to actually make it useful, removing the healing penalty? :wink:

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Something like this? :wink:

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Yes, please remove the healing penalty off the T6 rune, it greatly limits it’s usefulness.

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FC pls Patch that “Rune of the Exile” with a PVP-Debuff like -1000 Combat Rating and -120 Mage Dmg!!!

It`s definitely to OP in Minis or Ceepfights/ PVP-Festival

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They only need to remove the critical damage bonus it gives and it will be perfect for a pre-order item. Right now it is very powerful, and worse so since players no longer have access to save for those who got it long ago

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yes. agree. we need chance of choice.