Conan exiles Age of Heroes - placing workers

Bench thralls / workers BUG Age of Heros

I thought you will revise the population count or remove it part of this update??

I can’t place any workers as reached the limit!!

Got so excited for this and this is a major flop from beginning as my base which was fully functional it is not anymore…

Also the workers are still glitched with standing in benches or on top and are more away from working than working!

Bartenders also completely disappeared

I’m on ps

Please sort it out Funcom as want to play!!

You thought wrong, the matter was mostly in whether or not they would change the follower limit. They definitely should count as followers, just like cats, rats, animals and thralls do.

Yes I forgot as was a while back! All I remembered was that it should be ok to place. I have updated my original post thanks

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