Conan Exiles needs more tools to encourage player interaction. Here is how

Here are a few things that would be wonderful to have in this game that are important for player interaction and staples of other popular survival games.

Merchant Thralls - They would act as vending machines from other survival games. You load up slots with items, and then define what you want traded for that item. Now that gold coins add to your treasure horde, the potential for a real economy developing using more than just “stone” can is real. Higher tier Merchants could have more slots for a player to display their wares.

Shop Walls - Like Rust, it is a simple wall that players can hand items through from one side to the other. Especially good for solo players who want to remain safe. Also this would once again encourage and simplify trade.

Thank you for reading. I love the game.


From what i have seen, at least in pve servers, this wouldn’t solve anything. There is no real end game, no real challenge. So, crafting your own stuff and unlocking all knowledge is part of the few things you can do. I don’t see any reason to go and buy stuff from other players. In fact, unless you are playing with friends, i don’t see any reason to play online on pve servers unless you like lags. Just my opinion. To me, reworking all dungeons with better mechanics and making grouping a requirement would be more efficient to create more interactions between players. Also, they should had some hard limitations on the size of bases, a hard cap on the number of pieces you can place in one place. Things like transportation stones should also be connected to a server network instead of a clan network. It’s just stupid that every clan or player has to spam their own transportation stones across the map. This is of course only for pve.

Merchants Thralls is a very good idea !! :grinning:
We need more social interaction’s tools in this game !

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