Conan Exiles - Path Forward

Firstly, Age of War was a disaster for the following reasons:

  • Updates, literally, broke the game, every single time
  • Updates not only broke the game but resulted in players being banned
  • Bans were not reviewed and rescinded in a timely manner
  • Known errors were not corrected in a timely manner
  • Communication got worse, then got worse, then got worse some more
  • Old errors were re-introduced and ignored
  • Perfectly working systems were deprecated and replaced with broken systems

Now, I admit, I have never worked as a game developer nor for a game company, so I will have to fall back on my 40+ years of experience in the IT industry doing every single IT role, sans cyber security. For the last couple of decades I have been, mostly, an IT project manager but still code, still do networking, still troubleshoot, still mess around with hardware.

It is my assessment, and from previous discussions on these forums, the consensus of more than a few, that the path forward for Conan should be:

  • Stop adding new systems/game mechanics
  • Prioritize all identified bugs
  • Work through the bug list in a methodical manner
  • Add content without changing game mechanics
  • Once you get to a stable game code base, establish industry standard code libraries and use these libraries for feature enhancement/ new game mechanics
  • Once you return to active development, include an actual QA process that allows code to be rejected for release
  • When code is not ready, do not release it
  • Provide the community with a general, no questions taken, update on a weekly basis.

The current environment is a direct result of poor planning and ignoring your stakeholders. If I ran my projects this way, I wouldn’t have to consider retiring, I would be jobless.

Based on previous interactions, I suspect this entry will be ignored, at best. So, aside from providing an outlet for my own frustration, why bother?

To let other players, especially long time players, know that their frustrations are not unwarranted. We are tired of the pandering and lecturing that we are playing the game wrong.

If Funcom truly wants me to be the star of my own story in Conan, give me a game that actuly runs on a consistent basis.


PS: Here’s a screen cap collection of the Sacred Hunt Temple - It is invisible, but still in the game, because, reasons.


Reminds me… was ALMOST inclined to restart my “current bug list”.



It’s pretty clear there is no path forward, only downward. Funcom is Funcom, Funcom will do what Funcom does. RIP Conan.


I would say that, overall, I do not disagree with what you are saying. There are two thing though that I feel are the key points to the root causes of the current state of the game, and what has led to the disaster of the Age of Disaster (War).

The first of the two things is related to this.

I honestly do not believe at this point in time that Conan Exiles has ever had a “stable code base”, or at least not a stable foundation upon which could support the amount of growth in which the game has experianced over the years. And let’s face reality, since launch day the game had grown considerably. Just on the exiled lands map there have been new biomes added, new dungeons added, all of the new items from the DLC’s, the battle passes, the BLB. The addition of sorcery and mounted travel. The game has expanded tremendously (and shrunk in other ways coughsurvivalgameexperiancecough) And that goes without mentioning the addition of the Isle of Siptah map and the things which are exclusive to that.

The point is, with all of these things being added onto a foundation that was probably shaky from the very beginning (I mean, early access was buggy if you want to be honest, and official launch was no better), then after six years of adding and subtracting components, mechanics, items and recipes (yes how many times have simple recipes changed over the years for…reasons…) then is it really all that surprising that the state of the game is frankly a mess at this point? And due to this we fine the following problems:

Updates, literally, broke the game, every single time
Updates not only broke the game but resulted in players being banned
Known errors were not corrected in a timely manner
Old errors were re-introduced and ignored

Now, what I have written above is NOT MEANT AS AN EXCUSE FOR FUNCOM to continue to release untested, or under-tested and or, and in all honestly KNOWN broken updates riddled with bugs. That is inexcusable. Yet at the same time being forced to put out a new “chapter” every 3 months led them to be put “under the gun” to put out whatever they had and try to fix it after the fact because “deadlines had to be met”. Expect…as we have seen…those fixes aren’t happening after the fact.

I think that Funcom has realized that they literally cannot keep up this sort of pace and actually keep this game running, especially have this Age of Disappointment, and that is why they are now going to a six month interval instead of 3 months. Twice the amount of time to work on the update if better, at least one would hope, but I still think that giving themselves a set time frame is an error from the very beginning because now they are beholden to said time or they will be faced with rage induced negative feedback that they are late with their chapter!!! OMG GAME IS DEAD BECAUSE THE CHAPTER SHOULD HAVE BEEN RELEASED YESTERDAY AND IT ISN’T OUT YET! PROOF IT IS IN MAINTENANCE MODE!!! Crap like that in 100 different threads within an hour.

Then you have the second key part that I mentioned which is at the root of the problem the game is facing in it’s current state. And that is also something that you brought up as well, but it really aught to be expanded upon.

It has become blatantly obvious at this point in time that the current people in charge of making the decision for Conan Exiles are completely and utterly out of touch with the players of Conan Exiles, and even with what the game itself was / is supposed to be. Conan Exiles was made to be a Survival Sandbox game with barbaric PvP as well as PvE with a heavy allowance from the very beginning (even in early access) for modding and private servers to be rented to create your own vision for the game (which is why there are so many bloody server setting and sliders). What do we have now? Certainly not a survival game, that element has been virtually eliminated. Surely not a Sandbox game as with the Age/Chapter system they have made it more and more a priority to force the players to “do this limited time thing” in order to actually get any benefits from the game. No longer are you encouraged to “play your own way”, hell you can’t even pick up a bottle of dye you find in a chest and apply it to your coarse fiber pants at level 5 any longer!!! No, you are being level gated, location gated and forced to play “their way” more and more with every update. You cannot even sort your own items how you want to any more, they took that option from you as well FFS!

And that brings up a big point, they are completely clueless about what the people who play Conan Exiles actually do, how they play and what they want. When they announced the removal of precise stack splitting they said it was because THEY NEVER USED IT ANYWAY, yet the vast majority of the players used it almost exclusively and were extremely vocal about their hatred of this unwanted, unneeded and utterly despised changed to the point that Funcom had to add it back in. And this wasn’t even the only recent change they have made that was so utterly hated they have had to reverse either, to mixed results.

Mobs spinning and doing 180’s in a split second to “always be facing the player” to make combat more challenging. Removed (to a point). The removal of mouse facing combat? Removed (only if you know that there is a setting you have to click on to do so). I am sure there are others but you get the point. Which makes me wonder WTF they haven’t reverted the utterly reviled dye system that is so hated?

Now, when you look at the above issues. A foundation that was shaky from the start and crumbling if not in complete ruins at best currently and a team of leaders who do not understand the very basics of what the game is / is supposed to be nor what the players themselves actually do in said game or even want then you end up with on last issue.

I think this stems from the fact that the current leaders frankly are so out of touch that they simply do not know how to communicate with the playerbase. When they have made attempts it has not been well received, and often rightly so (the excuse that the size of the dye bench being the reason for the change to the dye system being one of the most asinine things any company could have ever given!!!). So they have decided that they are going to make the game that “they want”, and in so doing they stopped bothering to communicate to anyone else because they simply don’t care / don’t understand. I hope that I am wrong on this last point, but I am afraid that I may not be.


Correcting broken aspects of the game is not something that appears on the Funcom agenda.

Reviewing and considering player community feedback and concerns (no matter how patient, how well-written, nor how organized) is not something that appears on the Funcom agenda.


How can you be in touch when reviewing the player community feedback isn’t on the agenda?

How can you be in touch when you are zooming around in admin mode any time you actually set foot in the game. And forget to allocate points THREE times?

How can you be in touch when: “We don’t really even split stacks specifically? We just do half stacks. Right?”


I don’t have the words to adequately and eloquently describe just how pissed off I am right now. And I can be pretty GD eloquent MF’er.


I believe that this was fixed on your first complaint.
At least on PlayStation if you keep pressed R1 then you can give or receive exactly the amount you wish. So i believe that there should be a similar way to do it on pc.
Sorry for the off topic, please continue your cause!

You’re right. It was fixed. I am simply using that as an example of just how completely disconnected their staff is from people who actually play the game.


Well to be frank, when I am leveling up I am always looking in and going “huh, I have 15 unspent feat points”. This is common for me. :rofl: Do I spend them when I realize this? Not usually. :roll_eyes: I mean, I’ve been doing just fine without them and I don’t know what I want to spend them on right now so I’ll wait until I’m sure. Then I’m at 22 unspent… :rofl:

The difference here is, I actually PLAYED THE GAME AND EARNED THOSE POINTS where as they just admin spawned those levels. And even with their admin mode on, they really have no idea what they are doing do they? How can you showcase your new features when you do not actually understand how to perform the tasks you are meant to show off? Maybe it is that they are using the wrong people for their dev streams? Now I get the Denis is the lead dev, but he isn’t the head of Funcom and I doubt he is the one who is making all of the decisions behind the scenes either but who knows. :woman_shrugging: Again, lack of communication leaves us with little actual knowledge of what goes on behind the scenes.


Oh look, another banal and insipidly useless post/dictation to the devs that they will never read and never put into action. Yay!

Seriously, after years here I’ve become cynical and hopeless. Its both kinda cute and sad people genuinely think that ANY devs read their little posts, let alone take any advice from them.

I’ve seen similar suggestive posts garner hundreds of replies and be massively popular, only to be eother ignored or not even read by devs as they just make it worse or continue unabaided in their current path. Please stop making these one off suggestion/roadmap posts. They seem silly and no devs will ever follow them. When they actually ask, if ever, is when they MIGHT read them…

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It has been restored, but it has been restored differently.

Old school, when you did a custom split, you defined the number and moved it to your inventory.

New system, you can define the custom split, but sometimes you have to erase the number because it is not always auto highlighted and then you have to specify an empty inventory slot.

The basic issue was the inventory system did not need revamping and they broke it to a degree that the local sync issues has me losing items for 10, 20, 30 minutes before they suddenly pop back into existence.


Not everyone can be an “ Influencer “. Do videos about them maybe then?

Wow. You are a bright ray of sunshine, ain’t you?

No matter, you have the day you deserve.

Hmmm. Did I make that assertion? Let’s go to the videotape:

Wow! that’s weird. I did the exact opposite of what you claimed.

Golly, it’s almost like you made a strawman argument to pretend you had a relevant post and then declared yourself smart.

I, sincerely, wish you had justification for such a position.


Your accusations and admonishments have the same weight as your accolades.

You are welcome to go pound sand but I suspect, to paraphrase LBJ, you would struggle to pour water out of a boot with the instructions printed on the heel.


Sometimes the split, if performed “incorrectly”, will split the stay and stick it like 5 rows down. For whatever reason.

And then if you goof and press Enter after setting your amount, the Enter key will often be used to accept the “default” button action. Which is always “Canel.” For whatever reason.

I just… I just can’t anymore. There is no quality left in anything that this company puts forward.



Age of War killed any interest I had in dune: Awakening.


The worst part in here is that our “blind” system got revamped and i believe that this was the most unpleasant change of all.
Multiple players got frustrated and lost patience. Don’t get me wrong, changes are good in general, but don’t touch the blind system. Sometimes i feel like a labrat in this game :rofl:.
It’s like, hey let’s do this and see the reactions.
Well… What did they expect?
The blind system is the “apple”


I think there is something on purpose there. Imagine no updates to CE while dune is being pushed on to the masses. Hmmm. :thinking:

Dune will find its dedicated players.


Most games will, but I doubt that many of them will be from amongst the long time vets of the Exiled Lands.

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The MMO aspect into CE, I feel, might happen under players demanding optimizations. Note that I’m not looking at it for the RPG, which the attribute system has killed off. :smile:

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