Conan Exiles PS5 bug - Armorer's Bench Vanished

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Other
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: =SERVER TYPE=
Map: Isle of Siptah
Server Name: =SERVER NAME=

Bug Description:

When I logged into the game my armorer bench was gone, along with all the materials in it, as well as a few armor sets I had constructed. Logged out and back in and it was still gone.

Bug Reproduction:



What does the event log says?
Was it on a carpet?
Often in the past people lost a lot by placing items on carpets.

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Nothing on the event log. And no it wasn’t on carpet.

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Most of the times you’ll get a message that something lost stability, not necessarily the item that you’re missing. Whenever i read something like it in my event log i start laughing because i am not sure what i actually lost :laughing:.
Tiny annoying bug that surely needs fixing, it’s happening mostly while we log in

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Haha, gotcha. Not a huge deal as I just had an iron armor set and some iron, leather, etc. in it. Thankfully didn’t have anything rare in it.

But yeah, definitely needs addressing but not the worst bug in the world so I get it if priority is low. I just hopped on creative mode and put a new in.


This :point_up_2:. Thanks for reporting m8.