The server Administrator and I are both having the same bug. No longer can either of us select a player and get the shortcuts pie to invite to clan, etc… Total disappearance when holding e on the other player. Any mis keybinding that we should fix? Please help.
Thank you so very much, Breejha
I’ve not heard of that before. But I have seen where the UI can get glitched, or otherwise stuck / hung up.
If you haven’t already - I would say 1) bracelet pull, 2) full relog (dump the game client and start fresh), 3) restart the server. Outside of that, I’m not sure what else to offer to you.
The Admin that has the same issue, (no one else does but the two of us) dumped his character and remade it. Server had to be remade for some reason and resets every twelve hours. I’ve not uninstalled the game yet, but that’s a good idea.
Thank you so much for your answer.
When I said “dump the client,” I really meant just exiting out of the game completely, and make sure that the .exe is no longer running. And then firing up the game client fresh.
There are a lot of bugs and glitches that can occur. And sometimes exiting completely out of the game client is the only way to fix some of the pesky problems. The few times I’ve had trouble with the gameplay UI (clicks to attack, E key use, etc.), dumping the game client usually helps.
If you are still having troubles - even after the three steps I listed - verifying files and/or reinstallation are options. Reinstall takes so long tho. Usually if there is a problem with your game client files, the Steam verify game files option is faster than a full on reinstall.
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