Game mode: Online official Type of issue: Misc Server type: PvP Region: NA
Not really sure where this topic should be posted but this thread seemed the most appropriate.
So I launched steam today ready to hop on conan, seen that there was a hot fix so I let it do it’s thing… About 20 mins later I checked on it, was only about halfway done which is incredibly strange for such a small update but whatever, came back another 10 mins later and seen it was left off on the same spot and that the update had “stopped” itself so I went to restart it and steam froze, then my PC froze. left it for a few minutes and decided to just do a restart. Upon restarting and launching steam I seen that Conan Exiles was no longer installed. The game actually deleted itself, there is no files on any of my hard drives it’s just gone… I thought I should make this topic just in case there is something in the latest update that bricks the game. Now I am left with a 4 hour download on my hands… awesome.
Welcome to our community and apologies for the frustration.
This seems like a sporadic issue possibly caused by a disk sector malfunction or some connection issue with the servers that might’ve caused the game files to go corrupt. Given that all files disappeared we might suspect it could be the former.
Could you try to check for any errors on the drive you got the game installed on just in case?
I had this issue as well, on 03/15/2020. In my case I also run a dedicated server (for Conan Exiles) on the same computer), so was thinking it had something to do with that, and found some “bad blocks” on my disk so ran chkdsk after. Also in my case Steam showed Conan Exiles as not on my computer, but I saw that files were still there (though I later removed them to try a complete reinstall). I was planning to try over with a new hard drive thinking my disk was going bad, but maybe this is something else related to your issue, don’t know but thought I’d post in case it was helpful at all
Someone on the server I admin for had this issue as well yesterday, I will ask them to run a Check disk on their hard drive to see if they have any issues with the drive.