Yes its in Twitter but when they make a post there they then post the same thing here
You can still get stuck inside the large Rhino types. They managed to almost eliminate the smaller Rhino, but you can still - albeit waaaaay less often - get stuck inside it.
will it be that difficult so they tell us what the problem is? I stopped playing for 2 months and I have neither minions nor a base anymore … I came back and I’m on the ice now building the base, full of items and I guarantee that my character will return without armor and nothing more from my farm that it was in the baggage … anyway, if someone here offends, they share the comments quickly, but do not inform what happened or when will it return to normal? incredible incompetence!
Took me two months to convince a friend to buy this. and when they do? Boom. Conan gets corona. Luckily shes enjoying it in the coop mode. Is there a way to increase the distance theyre tethered to me?
Already lost everything in asia servers last time because funcom updates, now again ? Seriously?
I find it curious that the date/time stamp for the last update in the first post reads Update (16/06 @ 05:30PM CEST). It’s almost like it’s a cut and paste response they were supposed to release next Tuesday. My money is still on this mysteriously goes live again sometime on Tuesday. Three more days of down time.
Or more likely, a typo because they’re very busy trying to fix it and get more updates out. I highly doubt there’s some conspiracy that this was all planned, that would be absurd and make zero sense.
I guess we’ll see Tuesday then, won’t we.
TBH, I’d be okay with losing the kind of player who thinks it’s cool to rage on the devs for an issue that at the outset seemed fairly obvious to be outside their control & sphere of influence.
We’ve had regular updates, over a weekend, during a time when COVID is still messing with most companies, for what seems to be a difficult issue to pin down the nature & cause of - that’s actually a pretty top notch effort on FunCom’s part.
The big karen energy coming off of this thread is incredible, and most of y’all here should be ashamed of yourselves.
This is very sad how this was even allowed to happen and then taking this long to fix it dont seem like anyone is doing anything
Wow this is so true conan have alot of issues
Homey you best re check them updates. Where working on it . Where working on it . Waiting on sony … sony had a error where working on it. You believe me if I said I’m working on it ?
Wheres the update ? Where working on it could mean there still in step one of a billion after 4 days or be there at the end.
Update… we are aware of the problem and are looking into it . We have drafted exta resources to being scouring through what we believe to most likely cause ty for you patince… hours go buy .
Update. Through the course of our investigation we believe we have found the problem and are running simulations and code in a attempt to remedy the situation as this may be a lengthy process we thank you for your patience.
Update hours later still …we belived we have found the solution and have sent it through on a emergancy pass to blah blah …
Update regrettably it failed and there was a error resulting insert generic technical jargon and must start back at square one. As this is turning into more lengthy fix than anticipated we have suspended decay timers. And again thank you for you patience.
Those are updates even if they messed up . Do they know what the problem is we dont know they havent said. Do they know how to fix it ? We dont know they havent said. What was the error on sonys end ? We dont know they havent said. What’s have they said . We know there a problem where working on it thank you for your patience.
I accept mistakes I accept ppl not knowing everything. I accept they may be understaffed. Hell I’ll even accept there shaveing catastrophic hardware malfunctions because bob spilled his coffee on the company server. Bad bob be more careful next time.
There has been no updates my dude. Just brush off to attempt to pacify the masses
Just come out and say it Sony isnt going to roll out the patch till tuesday morning the regular patch day cause this ain’t cod or fortnite. I have very little faith in Sony regarding this
I know funcom said they will stop time on official servers but what about private ones?
Private servers may be up to the individual admin. I’m not sure how much admin control funcom/g-portal has.
Well, for me it made no sense that an update can even fix that… as there was no update in the last days ago.
So the reason for not working had nothing todo with latest update… Why should an update fix that then?..
Just complaining all the time won’t change anything.
Of course, everyone would appreciate it if the problem was fixed quickly.
However, it doesn’t make sense if we get each other down here.
Everyone has a different opinion and not everyone can formulate it calmly.
So just try to see the whole thing relaxed.
Random stability loss after 19.05.patch except for the ones that like to build things
how much longer do we must have to wait until its back up running again
if the attenuation timer is turned off. This is a long time, otherwise they would not have been turned off