Well this is not great been three days not being able to get into game because of this connection lost error. I hope funcom does something to fix this as my buildings keep disappearing without notice and I’m on daily wtf? Now if it’s all gone because of this I want my money back for this product … good thing I never bought the DLCs yet
It fails at 7 on xbox.
Hey everybody,
We regret to inform we currently don’t expect a resolution for the PS4 connectivity issues until tomorrow. Sony has not been able to give us an ETA on when they’ll fix the issues preventing the update release.
We once again apologize for the frustration this outage has caused.
Thx for the continuous effort to resolve it.
I don’t even know if I’m going to want to sparkle playing this drug, full of bugs, followers who take time to level up and just die because they bug in an rock or tree and just stop attacking, and now this, nobody can guarantee that it will not happen again, only I regret the time wasted and the money wasted.
Also, a series of answers regarding some of the conversations in this thread:
- Please do also remain respectful and civic. We understand the frustration but that doesn’t warrant some of the toxicity some people gleefully display here. Please read our community guidelines: Conan Exiles Community Guidelines - please read
- There was a typo in the timestamp of one of the updates. This that has been fixed now. We apologize for the mistake. The rest of the message was the same across all information outlets and its information is correct.
- We’ve been working all weekend to get this issue resolved but we haven’t received an ETA from the publisher on when the issues that are preventing the release of the update will be fixed.
- Our partners in the Japanese region managed to get through certification and released the update on that region. This is why those servers show activity now and why there is a region mismatch when trying to connect to them. The update for EU/US regions has been on hold since Friday, waiting for the greenlight.
Everyday they say tomorrow. Tomorrow they gonna say on Tuesday and so on.
You can‘t send or receive private messages until you reached a certain „level“ in the forum and you both are pretty new here!
En mi opinión Sony y funcom tendría que haber personal de guardia, me mi trabajo se trabaja de lunes a viernes y fin de semana vam unos pocos por turnos para que no se quede la gente sin una respuesta, soy consciente que a ninguno le gusta trabajar menos aún el fin de semana pero si hiciéramos todos esto no tendríamos suministros de ningún tipo. Servicios mínimos para un rendimiento aceptable. Un saludo
Anyone can clarify if the decay is still active or it will restarts since 11 June?
Very sad news.
my life is broken where is CONAN MAAAAAAAAAAAN
The decay is off till the problem gets solved. They already gave that info out
Well at least I can fully decouple from the possibility of playing today and commit my time to something else. It sucks, but it too shall pass…
I Completely agree. The Creator of Rust made fun of Funcom by stating he wasn’t going to release a shotty broken game on console as other developers have done. Obviously he was thinking of Bugcom.
Get used to it. This games been broke since day 1. Every hotfix, patch and anytime new content is added this game gets broke even worse.
Funcom, your cash cow as you call it is drying up. Your losing your clientele. May want to utilize this time to fix some of your previous flaws and think of some way of compensation for those loyal enough to put up with you.
Thank you i tried to check it but 495 posts. Thanks
So my thought is if this is Sony’s fault, how come this is the only game with this issue? Now if they meaning Sony would do this to Fortpuke. I would buy Sony everything for my house.
Or they had an issue in 2016 and copy and pasted a previous message.