Content roadmap

in the content roadmap there is written tbc which means

( abbreviation for to be confirmed : used when something has not yet been decided or is not yet known ) .

me and probably other people would still like to know what it is.

although there are a few things that need to be confirmed

@AgeOfConanDev i would be happy if you answer at this question please :face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears::face_holding_back_tears:


This is a secret, we will become a message in the third developer stream for chapter 3 :slightly_smiling_face:

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Lol. I just hope itā€™s a secret that keeps the game alive for a few more months :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Expect to be disappointed :+1:
Thruthfully ^^;

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I broke into Funcom headquarters and gained access to the content road map.
The road map:
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
Free content (one armor set)
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content
More Bazaar content


I hope Age of War will be over as fast as possible and forgotten.


And we get to an Age of the Gods next, like everyone was hoping, and have much needed rework of the games religions.


Donā€™t really care about the religionsā€¦ Iā€™d prefer a trading and merchant system tbh.


Age of War is making me rapidly lose what little optimism Iā€™ve had. Chapter 2 looks like it has some stuff that could end up being good, but Iā€™ve yet to see it when it hits live. If the live version ends up being as buggy and glitchy as I fear, I donā€™t think I want the Age of the Gods to be next. In fact, if they keep going like this, Iā€™d rather have them stop doing any reworks and revamps, and have them just add new content, i.e. dungeons, encounters, items, and stuff like that.


This one was hoping for an Age of War.
This one had a long form version of what they considered a reasonable Age roadmap based upon the Age of Sorcery.

This one got an ā€œAge of Warā€.
It this far is nothing like what this one speculated.
And even if the remainder of the Chapters deliver, it will beā€¦ less than this one hoped.

Beware of a coming Age of the Gods, as it may make the gifts Crom offers his followers now look luxurious by comparison to what they would implement.


Age of Bazaar? Careful what you wish forā€¦

No more ages please

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Yeah, no. If thatā€™s how theyā€™d interpret my idea, then theyā€™re way off mark.

I think youā€™re reading it wrong. TBC must mean something Totally Beyond Cool.

Yeah, Iā€™m sure thatā€™s what it means.

Iā€™m sureā€¦

It has to. :fearful:


TBCā€¦ā€¦probably means : Total Budget Cost :joy:


I would qlso like a working trade system jmk1999; in fact I have lobbied for it in the past and would place it in my top 3 most wanted fearures. However, I would prefer a religion rework first. At the risk of spouting a gross approximation, I would assert that 80%+ of all shrine items are currently redundant. Whereas I feel that should be at least upper tier. Religions shoild be meaning and impactful in Conan Exiles. And I want more Crom artifacts :mountain_snow: :metal: . I say religion overhaul first.

If we are being completely honest here the Age of War Chapter 1 was one of the single most dissapointing updates to date. And I too have been playing much less as a direct results. It boasted a distinct paucity of actual content, and rendered the core gameplay worse. I am sick of reinventing the wheel. And much like yourself I am loathed at constantly tryimg to rework and ā€˜revampā€™ the basic systems. Chapter 2 looks ā€˜goodā€™, ā€˜fairā€™, but an Age of the Gods (the update the vast majority of the playerbase was clamouring for), is wht I truly desire.

I still have to find the strenght to login and unlock the battlepass before it ends. So sad. Never in all those years I had to force myself log into the game.

I had a blast building my city until age of war. Then half of my stuff was gone with this update and with it the fun. The game was ok for me for pve.

I can not stand the new stamina system and I will never understand somebody who defends it. Its the worst mutulation they have ever done to the game.

And to be honest: I hate the new purge system. Can not call this a purge when I as the player determine the rules of when and how I get purged. Its like cheating the game and get a reward for it afterwards. They throw rules at us that we are not allowed to abuse the game. But they are the ones that abuse the game the most. Where is there suspension for violating it so badly?

I wonder no more why people stop playing. In my opinion and that is my personal one, Funcom isnĀ“t Funcom anymore. They are far far far away from what the orginal devs have imagined the game should become. All I see is big fat dollar signs behind every developer decission. This is tencents doing. They are milking the cow.

I am not seeing myself playing this game in the next months. I try to do the battlepass because I once paid for it and I get the money for a new one back. But I stopped purchasing because for what should I pay if I need to force myself to login. I want to keep the game in good memory. But I will not help to kill it.


Iā€™m pretty sure thatā€™s your main driving force for it. :rofl:

Why? Do it in hour on single player. As for your progress on pve? A natural pvp player like you have lost 200 of these bases all these years. It will be 201 lost, so what? Bottom line if you donā€™t enjoy the game, say it and donā€™t play it. Say it because itā€™s feedback and donā€™t play it because you have no fun, simple as that. I told you, i did the same on the golem chapter :man_shrugging:.

Itā€™s ok not to like something!
Itā€™s ok not to understand others too.
But itā€™s not ok to go against others when you donā€™t understand what they like.
If ā€œthey defend itā€ they do it because they like it and their opinion is equal with yours, itā€™s feedback too.
There are no higher or lower opinions, all the gamers have the same rights, all the gamers are costumers so all the opinions are valid and equal!

From what iā€™ve seen i wasnā€™t exited either :confused:. Not for the reasons you say, because in the past the one who didnā€™t want purge could avoid it, even without traps, leave clan recreate clan and purge meter was 0. So letā€™s not try to hide behind fingers here (i say this with love). Purges system was wrong, they had wrong programming and they were even used as troll mechanic. The new purge system seems to eliminate the troll mechanism, so letā€™s be a little positive here, play the game, give feedback and help them make purges perfect again. The plurality of the players, 5 years after never learned how to build to accept purge correctly, never. And they were blamimg the company for their mistakes. And no i am not defending the company here i am just pointing the gamers mistake to something so damn simple, so damn simple. I have accepted 500 purges all these years, only two were false to spawn in my base and i understand my mistakes at once, i didnā€™t need second time to understand it. So now we start from scratch! Instead of yelling for something we havenā€™t try yet, letā€™s accept it and help it to improve i say.
So stay. We need you, not Funcom, i donā€™t give a dime, when i say we, i mean we the players!

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