Corpses……Walking Dead?

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I’m not understanding the thought process behind nerfing thrall hp into oblivion and now allowing people to roam around with 3 to 4 11,000 hp corpses…. Takes a decent amount of time to level a thrall just to have it wrecked by a horde of zombies ……

If anything human thrall should have gotten a buff to deal with this crap….

And mounts…… yeah forget those…. Conan has literally turned into the walking dead…

This Age Of Sorcery is something else ……


They did completely remove the armor of zombies though, so that’s something at least.

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Unless the top tier thrall has less than 750hp, they will always be in a buffed state. Not nerfed.

I’m not understanding your statement

Thralls originally had around 200-750hp. They’ve never been nerfed below that.

Look what they did to my boy teimos …. Dude is over there living the good life because no one wants to go knock him out anymore :joy:

I literally solo raided a base yesterday with 30 plus thrall in it. Dalinsia, beserkers, Lians. They all had below 4,000 hp…. Literally just stood on top of a bench and poked with a poison spear ……


Hey, sorcery needs to have its perks. Secondly, the zombies only last 24 hours. Then they crumple to dust. Human thralls are permanent.

Not if 4T3N pokes them with a poison spear, they’re not.

I wonder, though - how many hitpoints would they have needed so as not to die against a safe-spotting player during an offline raid?

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