Crafting armor with bugged weather resistance

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1004
Mods: =MODS=

Bug Description:

I seem to be crafting armor with bugged weather resistance. Same armor made by clanmate works as intended.

Bug Reproduction:

Created 2 full silent legion armor. Clanmate also made 2. Switched armor between clanmates. Went to Bridge of the Betrayer. Result same with all characters: with armor made by me, temperature quickly fell to frostbite, with armor made by clanmate it went to “very cold”. Observed similar (too cold) with Vanir heavy, but did not do more testing yet.

Are you sure your clan mate didn’t fix the redeemed set?
Silent legion alone is no good for temperature resistance, but redeemed silent legion is.
In order to fix a redeemed set you need a tier 3 armorer or named ones.

You are correct. Lack of attention on my part. TY


It happens to all of us m8, no worries, too many details in this game :sweat_smile:.

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