Crafting table bug

Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Bug | Misc
Server type: PvE
Region: USA

Hi just have been playing on private server with a few mates and when just had our first purge that kept on going on for about 30 minutes and during the purge i went back to my base to craft some more items but they were just gone from all of the tables there was only a few items that i could make this has happened a few times before but we have restarted our game at the time

Do you mean that there were recipes missing from your crafting stations?

If so, it could be a couple of things. Did you drink a yellow lotus potion to reset your feats and attributes? If so, you just need to go through and relearn the feats you would like.

The other thing, was there a crafter thrall in the workbench? Many of the crafters (alchemists, blacksmiths, armorers) have additional recipes they can craft. Named crafters have even more than their tier 1-3 counterparts. If you used a bench that didn’t have a thrall working it, this could explain the missing recipes.

Another thing to note is that you cannot build on your base during a purge. So if something breaks, you cannot fix until the purge is over.

Yeah the recipes were missing from all of the crafting stations. It was not anything of the things you listed i tried building new crafting stations and they still dont have any items i can craft and if they do its only a few items

also i just seen that most of my crafting items that i can make on my person are gone as well

I play on ps4. But it seems that some thing has changed your feats. You may try logging out and back.

that’s odd because i did not reset my feats at all and they were still lit up green under the feats tab but when i clicked on them they became orange again like it had never learned them in the first place


GLAD to see it worked.

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