Crash in all the servers that i tried to connect :'(

Game mode: Online private
Type of issue: Crash
Server type: PvP:
Region: Europe

When i try to login into a server, i dowload and install all the mods for enter to the server but when i click to the connect button, suddenly a warning message appears on the screen saying that i have problem with a mod. I tried desintall and intall the mods again but didn’t work, i desintall and install the entire game but again didn’t work. I hope that anyone can help me because i dont know what to do.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Enter into the screen of loading mods
  2. Charge all the mods and click in the conect button
  3. The warning message apears
  4. In the message says:
    This mods failed Validation:
    F/:SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Conan Exiles/ConanSandbox/

Thank you so much :slight_smile:

U are the only one who cant join? Because that location u say is Game folder himself, not mod or something…°

Too much to search in that folder about bugs…

My guess … maybe some mod is old or not merging with the game itself… try to find out what mod it is maybe, :smiley: because that warning give location of entire game files

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