Creative Conan Exiles Storytelling Creators

There are so many Story-teller Creatives out there that consistently put out content that sticks to narratives all within the Conan genre. These are creatives that develop entire back-stories and stick consistently to them - and have for years.

Here are two inspirational creatives I always like to keep tabs on:

Granny Gamester:

and, of course,


Well worth the watch.

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They are amazing indeed.

Oh my, the Great original j0hnbane has popped back into the Exiled Lands - one of the original builders (and the coiner of the copyritten ‘Builderisations’)

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Another particularly inspirational Creator:

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Ah! I see that Deadwoman Walking has been forced to move all the creativities to another channel:

(added to my list of Inspirational Builders)

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Anyone wading about in here, have a look at the creative and funny storytelling of the maniacs at [Bound South Gaming]. Kinda like watching David Attenborough meeting NeebsGaming in a dark alley and a mugging ensuing. Grab the popcorn!

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A pleasure seeing an immersion play-build in action. Not everything has to be PvP :slight_smile:

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A Purge…in Noob valley…in a Sandstone build…What could possibly go wrong…

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