This is a cheap (cheesey?) swap for the off-hand that will likely provide more than enough healing, cleansing, and an interrupt (if necessary) in case you’re having trouble with Dark Agartha.
NB (new bees especially): this is a niche / special-use build that tickled and surprised me because it found a use for things that are very rarely used. It is effective in DA, but I’d not recommend trotting it out in front of any group or even for scenarios.
- Blade (any can work, but Stormbringer is much nicer)
- [optional] Ningishzada’s Rod (tiny heal every 1s for a bit more passive healing)
- [optional] Biological Metamorphosis Signet (boosts rod’s heals)
- Soothing Spring (11.5% heal + 1.5% heal every 0.5s + 1 cleanse every 1s over 6s)
- [optional] Snake’s Bite (melee range interrupt)
- Clairovoyance (12.5% barrier on chi hot)
- Immortal Spirit (1% hp every 3s on chi gain)
- Focused Breathing (1 chi every 9s, mandatory if not using Stormbringer)
Stormbringer is ideal (1 chi every 10s), but not required. It does not need to be leveled. All it’s heals are based on %hp. These heals can crit, but glyphing the blade isn’t necessary.
BTW, this isn’t MY build – found it lurking on the web somewhere way back and dusted it off for DA today. The things I used are marked in bold above. Inside DA @ E8 with Pistol MH, it provided enough passive healing that I only used SS for cleansing, but not enough to stupidly stand in all the AE. It was a pleasant change from the frenetic prayers for more cruel delight crits. Fights were slower due to no OH dps, but not enough to make time an issue.