Dead Bodies and the Bags that follow

Good Day,

First let me start off, I have been a long time fan of the genre that is RGP classics. Think Diablo 2, Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls. So when PS4 put this game out, I tried it. I did not think I would like it. I came back a week later, had more time to play. Well, the game is excellent challenge, excellent that there is not a lot out there to learn. You are on your own.

But, I am facing some serious issues that is making me not to trust this game.

My set up is PS4 Pro, 4K Tv and excellent internet speed.

Last night, I went to the city of NPCs. Never been there, the journey was hard. I like my Base in the H/I 5 Range. It seems perfect until I am higher level to venture further north. Even though there is a Hyena with weird eyes, one skull above his name who owns me. I run like a little Rabbit when I see him.

For some reason, the NPC began to attack me in the city, I ran out of the walls to try and climb and they killed me. Tombstone was on the screen, but learned not to trust it, so I put my own marker on it. I had a bedroll near by.

I spent countless time searching for my body and mainly my loot. Could not find it. I am pissed cause I had secured some nice stuff in chests I found, plus insane amount of Iron. All gone.

So, my question is. How in the world do we find our bodies? The Bags, can we change the color?

Funcom needs to address this. I would think the easy fix is to make the bags say PINK or BLOOD RED, so they are easier to see. I gave up looking for my body. It sucked HARD CORE.

Plus, one time I was looking for my body, I was like some how moved to a range almost over looking the Jungle.

So angry I had to turn the game off last night.

Your body will usually emit a light (easily spotted at night but visible in daytime too). Unless you take quite a long time getting back to your body, it should not yet have deteriorated into a loot-bag but would instead be a body and a ‘headstone’ kinda marker. Since they implemented the latter I haven’t had any issues with my body disappearing (a frequent event prior to that). If your body did turn into a loot bag, odds are a different color wouldn’t help as your time is very limited then.

It can be very disheartening to lose a good haul (we’ve all tried it), but it’s part of the game and one of the things that set it apart from traditional RPGs. Soldier on and conquer, barbarian!

Yeah, I did just that. Perched myself on a rock, made my candle for whatever reason and waited. Did not see the green. Just weird. I was on a major Iron Run. I had over 400 iron on me, plus the loot from the chests I found in that city. I am not sure why they attacked me… but so be it, they were tough, I am only level 22.

I been trying to decide where to set up my main Base. I loved the H 5 Area on my first test run. Hate the spiders though.

Either you crossed paths with some bandits in town or you lead a hostile beast into town. The latter is not a welcome gesture and is usually retaliated by the guards.

Agreed Admiral, Your body is hard to find (on PS4) in anything but full daylight. It would be nice to have a brighter light…

They do emit a green light from the bracelets and I think this is the same we talk about. Sometimes it’s just too faint. Sometimes it falls thorough the floor too.


For this reason I tweaked characters on my server to not drop stuff. When this issue is corrected, I’ll turn it back on.

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