Dear Funcom… y’all broke it

Your game is broken. Seriously. I play on console. So many empty servers. I haven’t played Conan in over 2 months now but I jumped back in to play and after a long perusal of the server list I finally found a server with people on it where I also had gear to start …and wouldn’t you know it…I take about 5 steps due by “falling through the world”. Spawn desert, run all the way back to jungle , come at the spot from opposite direction to try and retrieve my possessions and die again by “falling through the world”. Wtf. I’ve never played a game before that’s so good and then methodically just keeps getting worse every update. I thought it was bad 2 months ago, that’s why went to Rust to play a few wipes, now I come back and it’s even worse. How is that possible? I would recommend taking all the work you’ve done to Dune so far and throw that **** In the trash and find a new calling in life :man_shrugging:If this is a sign of what’s to come then nobody is gonna buy your **** anymore. And it’s been nothing but excuses for years now. This game was literally more playable and more fun when it used to crash every hour playing on a last gen console. Hang it up. You’re done.

Thank you.

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Tell me where this is please.