Decay timer still set to 2 weeks on officials

It was announced in a pin that it was returning to 7 days on Sept 1, 2022 but it never happened. Two months of this might be okay, but 5+ months later and servers as a result have turned into an unpleasant mess to play on. Support staff must be overworked also because it takes 3-4+ weeks for builds to be cleared that are breaking the rules, further worsening the bad state of the servers.


I agree that decay needs to return to 168. They are definitely overwhelmedā€¦ the timeliness of report action is next to nonexistant.


I am fine with 336 hours. Player bases last until they quit playing. It would be the same with 168 hours or worse. Players remember to log in every week, but forget when the 2 week mark passes. And that is true.


Except itā€™s not, anyone who has played extensively with both decay timers knows this. Thanks for your input though!

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I honestly enjoy the 2 week timmersā€¦ i am in maybe the most stressed situation due to the need of being A LOT of time at work, and the 2 week timmer is a really nice feature i enjoy in gameā€¦
I would vote for this timmer to stay put. Makes the game a lot less stressful especially for players like me that do not like to start over and overā€¦

So please FC keep these timmers at least untill the xmass vacations endā€¦
Feels good to be able to take a weekend off without worrying about CE.


It takes a minute of your time to log on and refresh your decay timerā€¦ you arenā€™t the only person playing on these servers and itā€™s kinda selfish if you need 2 weeks on a consistent basis between logins. You arenā€™t actively playing and are taking up space and server performance for those that do. Itā€™s supposed to feel like a lived in world not a world full of abandoned timeshare cottages.


Not everyone dedicates their life to an online game, some have a real life also. The two week timers are nice, and they should just leave them be forever.
Saying someone is ā€œselfishā€ because they do not play an online game as much as you want them to, is a bit odd.
Maybe you should have played the game in EA, when there was no decay, and every foot of land along the noob river had a ā€œtimeshare cottageā€.


I think itā€™s partly due to PS4 crashing issues. Theyā€™re still not fully resolved. Funcom was likely trying to help players that canā€™t play the game much due to the crashing. While this is less of an issue on other ports, itā€™s still needed for PlayStation. Though the best resolution would be just making a PS5 version.

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how is logging on and then off once per week ā€œdedicating their life to an online gameā€? Give your head a shake lol and Iā€™ve been here since EA thank you.


The lower the decay timer, the less buildings on the server, which means the server lag is improved.

What is more important? Having a building last 2 weeks of not playing, or having an improved performance when you do play?

I would say if the former is more importantā€¦ why do you continue to play multiplayer?


I like the 2 weeks. For me it also could be 8 or 9 days. So you can play on weekends.
Because with the normal 7 i have a problem when I play on Friday and the next time Saturday or Sunday the next week.


About me taking space,u can ask my server co players and hear their opinionā€¦

As for active or not i have 5 k hours there , never decayed and also maintaining a quest board for communitty interaction ā€¦

My clanmates r in every day, but how can u miss the point of view of a single playing guy that cannot rely on clanmates for refresh?
If u prefer a server with no old players maybe the privates that wipe every couple of months , or single player is more suited for uā€¦

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The most important thing is NOT discouraging players to leave servers overallā€¦ The ban with no warning and the trolls, and the many bugs r reasons enough to add up smaller decay timmers also ā€¦

I would prefer (and play on one) a server with GOOD communitty and a mediocre performance EVERY TIME over a server that performs great and has 5 players in ā€¦
For me CE is a multiplayer game, and not a single player one


All of those 0/40, 1/40, 2/40, etc. That seems to only have single digit players, have a much larger playerbase then they seem. Potentially even up to a hundred or more players each.

But when the majority only login a few minutes every week or two. You donā€™t run into them often.

The ideal situation is one where you could literally have your cake and eat it too. You can have a good community, you can have a good and active community. And best of all, you could potentially have that on a good running server.

I say potentially because Iā€™m not certain what kind of servers FC is allowed to have. But if whatever agreement they have with G-portal is merely on how many physical racks they can have. Thereā€™s a way for everyone to have the experience youā€™re looking for.

Of course this does call for a server consolidation that makes the mergers look like a small operation. However if such a thing is done, it would be required to tighten up on decay timers. This way the server isnā€™t full of inactive players.

Iā€™m literally talking about a 70-80% cut of servers here. This means the servers are going to be active during most parts of the day. Which would facilitate the need for cutting out more inactive portions of the base. But at the end of the day, the experiences across the board would be much better.

But that is why I posed that question. For many who simply donā€™t have the desire or the ability to play once a weekā€¦ whatā€™s the point of multiplayer? Are those people just leaving their builds up for random people to see? Seems a bit vanglorious when you put it that way.


Nah, just some are not fond of loosing progress over decayā€¦

As for what u suggest, the communitty is what draws u to play (especially after a certain point)ā€¦ and not the server performanceā€¦

And speaking of performance , it has been proven impossible to play with more than 20 people onlineā€¦ I have even noticed server located in eu having more ping that server located in west coast US (i live in athens , so u can do the maths)ā€¦ And no its not my internet line, as CE is not the only multiplayer i play, nor i was the only one having these issues ā€¦

So why we even talking about cutting down 80% of servers when the existing ones cannot handle not even half of rhe population that they r supposed to ?


After the Age of Sorcery launch, and all the problems on consoles, they returned the timer to 14 days indefinitely until they could get a handle on the issues. Players could not log in, or play without getting kicked out.

Since we are coming up on the end of the year holiday season, I expect the 14 day timer will continue since we normally get a few weeks at 14 days for travel purposes.

With many, not all, problems ironed out, the soonest I would expect a 7 day timer is mid January.

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Well 14 days are better, and ā€˜ā€˜vacationā€™ā€™ timers should be 30 daysā€¦ dunno how other countries have vacations but mine is 1 month so if i travel its 30 days not 14ā€¦ sometime even can happen some stuff like this covid situationā€¦

What i think how should be
Timers : normal 14 days, ā€˜ā€˜summerā€™ā€™ 30 days
Decays : When base decays , nobody can loot it in pveā€¦ Tired of some players who never actually plays but run around loot others and build walls and then tilt and starts politicsā€¦ atleast those who gathers themselfs are playing and communicating normalā€¦

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From a USA perspectiveā€¦


My vote is to for 2 week timers. People logging in just to update timers will happen regardless of the value. I personally rarely log to update on two week timers. Iā€™ve had to numerous times on one week timers over the years.
ā€¦ such is my life, and Iā€™m retired.


Two week timers should be the full-time default. I am dismayed at the selfish attitude of ā€œwell you donā€™t play as frequently as me so you should lose all your work.ā€ :confused:

Is over-population and over-building an issue? YES
Are shorter decay timers the solution? Not at all.