Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Crash
Game Mode: Online Private
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Totem / (Dynamic … thx Orange)
Mods: =MODS=
Bug Description:
After some weeks of play without problem (yeah some minors bugs but it’s well playable ^^) , now the server is “too busy” ( see that in the task manager of dedicated_conan**.exe ) when a player join but not the first one after another one.
I use the dedicated launcher (https :// first, much easier for configuration with an interface.
So i was thinking it’s that the problem, in the log, i can see some word with “steam …connection…”
I decide to make a fresh reinstall with steam and i paste my saved in (without launch it a first time)
and after few days of playing without any issue … same problem reappear
In the task manager there are no overload in the proc, ram, hdd, network when the game not responding…
Bug Reproduction:
with or without steam launcher, when players joined, reinstall not resolve
Sorry for my english (i’m French)
I can join some logs but not now (until 10 PM (my daily is too busy xD))
Server material :
VM (ESXI) Windows Server 2019
8 vCPU 2,6 Ghz (6 are used for Conan in the launcher i can select how many)
32 Go RAM
300Go HDD
It’s the only game running in this server
My Firewall, NAT and Port are well configure (if not why the game run smoothie for days…)