Battle pass deformed bear require DLC (The Savage Frontier) totemic fodder instead of sorcerous pet food? Not sure if bug or intentional.
if this is true -its a disaster, we need dlc for BP (aka dlc)?
Definitely not intentional. You unlock Sorcerous Pet Food when you claim the reward, so that is what the intended fodder would be.
By the way, both the Deformed Bear and Deformed Bear Alpha have the wrong recipe ingredients.
How much time usually the devs need to correct this type of bug?
As of late, since the seasons came out, usually a couple weeks for a patch of the most important stuff. Things like this, which tend to be “less important,” probably not until the next season. However, since it seems like it should be a quick fix, and it requires dlc, they may add it to a sooner patch.
Yep can confirm it, it requires DLC (pictish probably?) fodder to create, not sorcerous…
Btw bear is awesome, ugly but cool noises and attacks, pretty solid follower (alpha variant) at lvl 20.
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