Deformed Bear uses wrong fodder

Basic Info:

Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: 1975
Mods: None

Bug Description:

I have the Deformed Bear knowledge. It shows in my knowledge as learned. When I try to craft the bear, it asks for a DLC fodder instead of the Battlepass one. I am unable to craft the Bear since i don’t have the DLC fodder…


Can we please just drop all the various fodders and just have 1? The reskin recipes are locked regardless and it’s getting to be an issue to remember which fodder to use when by the dev team (savory isn’t active and BP skins are pointing to dlc locked fodder). It makes no sense to keep different fodders.


I noticed this as well. I happened to have the DLC for the totemic fodder and didn’t think much of it at the time, but I had also just assumed they made all the fodders available while still locking recipes or something.

The fodders were part of DLC packs. If you make them all the same why not do the same for armor and building pieces? Or why not make all armor mats required the same? Or all the work bench mats the same? Or all the building pieces use the same mats.

Sounds to me like you want some generic survival game that sort of resembles Conan exiles.

The fodders are made the same way, they are not placeables or building components and sole purpose is to reskin animals. They are only different in the icon artwork in the inventory. These are not comparable to building pieces or armors that have in game differences.

Clearly it’s an issue as two different problems have arisen because of these things and what is their purpose? In a perfectly working system, they are fodders that are associated with specific reskins that come from the same locked content. They are all made the same exact way. So help me out…how is this beneficial to any game being played if they go to the same bench, use the same mats, craft nearly identical fodder nonplaceable items to reskin animals with skins that are only accessible through the same unlock as the fodder was? How is the immersion different if I have only 1 fodder choice in the alchemist bench vs 10?

Don’t just point to part of the DLC because that isn’t an answer. That is just mindless following what was put out there. How is reduction of fodder choices going to affect ANY game play what so ever? I have evidence that the various choices is negative effecting game play right now due to ergonomic errors of FC. We have to wait even longer to get our ugly dog from a Twitch drop since they forgot to activate Savory fodder and people cannot use their BP rewards because someone put the wrong fodder in the recipe.

I would prefer not to see this problem again and so that is why I’m putting out a long term solution that will fix the problem forever vs just patch the errors and hope it never happens again…the ‘we’ll try harder’ CAPA.

So is armor, potions, weapons, and building pieces, they are all just reskins. So your point is???

It is a bug, it will get fixed; eventually. No reason to do such a drastic change to a working game mechanic.

So help me out…how is this beneficial to any game being played if they go to the same bench, use the same mats, craft nearly identical ______ nonplaceable items to reskin _____ with skins that are only accessible through the same unlock as the ____ was?

That sentence would be the same regardless of what content name you put in. Except placeables; which aren’t any different but you want to exclude them. They are still just reskins.

Insert content name.

Really, lets see it.

Which is a bug to be fixed, No need to redo a working game mechanic.

Or potions, or armors, or weapons, or… How do you not see your argument can be applied to pretty much everything in game?

Oh are you playing the wrong game.

How is simplification of the system of fodders a “drastic change” . Using emotionally triggered wording doesn’t make your stance.

And “working mechanic” and “bug” are contradictory. Which is it? Is it working or is it bugged? It cannot be both.

each potion has different BOM’s. Each armor and placeable is actually different tangle products. Fodders are the only things that are exactly the same same BOM that isn’t a tangle product arbitrarily selected (evidenced in the corrupted bear) to be completely different for no justified reason outside of “DLC” designation. I’m curious how you can equate it all the same when being obviously different.

So far, you haven’t proven any reason to not change. The change simplifies the game mechanic but doesn’t negate the fodder requirement s the in game survival aspect recipes remain intact. It limits design snafus that can happen…like say…using Savage Frontier bear reskinning as a template to a new bear reskin and forgetting to change the fodder requirements…just saying.

Lets take it the other direction. If fodders need to be different, why not push that all armors need different twines that happen to all have the same recipe of 3 plant fiber? We can have Khitan twine, Pictish Twine, Yamatai twine, Silent Legion twine, etc etc etc. This should be obviously required as it’s sound for fodders to do the same thing…items like twine should also be different because the armors are all different. It just makes sense to the logic you are using.

I understand the point if it ain’t broke don’t fix it…well unfortunately it broke and because of that, I looked at it and said that dumb because it is…you would be arguing so against the different twine aspect if they implemented that but the fodder situation is no different.

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Well it certainly isn’t a minor one. And you poo pooing it doesn’t make it less important.

Wow, :grimacing:
Are the present fodders working? Yes? Then that mechanic is working, right? A couple of the new fodders are bugged they are not working, their mechanics need fixing.

You are really reaching.

So cosmetic tattoos and dyes have BOMs didn’t know that.

Yes, the cosmetics are different.

I have, you’re just blowing it off in favor of homogenizing the the fodders.

Then present a straw man argument. Good job.

They also take the same leather per level, same metal per level, plus the few that have added mats. So why not make all the mats for every armor something special. You see how ludicrous that sounds? And it’s not supporting your argument. Your argument is all armors should be made with the same mats.

No it isn’t we have what 2-3 bugged fodders so you want to throw out the entire system? Ever heard about the baby and the bath water?

It’s very different. But you’ll never see that.


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