Desync and load times on private modded server

I’ve been playing Conan for 1.3k hours on official servers only and I decided to try a modded server just two weeks ago for the first time. Everything was great the first, like, 7-8 days and now it’s simply unplayable. I found a big thread where people talked about a similar-is problem, but it was back in 2019 and nobody seems to have found a solution. Admins of this server is my friends and according to them, I’m the only one who have this kind of problem because no one else has reported about something like this.
I’m suffering from the following and more:

  • When I log on to the server or die and loanding in my base, I can’t see my bed, any doors, crafting stations, chests, decorations, windows AND my character, but foundations,walls and ceilings seem fine for some reason. It takes AT LEAST 15-20 minutes to load everything and it’s just rediculous with my PC spec (Ryzen 9 5900x, 3080TI, 32GB ram and Conan is on SSD).
  • Sometimes I get stuck in the loading screen right as the loading bar gets full and it will never leave that screen, forcing me to restart the game.
  • Some of other players’ characters won’t appear or they’ll just keep move in a random direction.
  • My HP/Stamina bars doesent move at all and I can run forever, even when the “you have no stamina” thing pop up on the screen.
  • Arrows (or AOC spells) that I shoot will just dissapear, it’ll hit the target and do damage if I managed to hit the invisible target that desync.
  • If I have a thrall or a pet following me, he’ll just run faaaaar ahead.
  • When I’m removing my bracelet, everything except the character starts to load in just the 10 sec respawn timer and I can see everything, but it’ll desapear again after the 2-5sec loading screen and respawn.
  • Everything works just fine for my friend in my clan.

I’m sure I forgot something else, but I think that’s enough to see that I’m have a really hard time lol.

Here’s a list of things I’ve tried to solve the problem, and none of it helps:

  • Log out and log back in really far away from my base.
  • Server restarts every 6 hours.
  • Reinstalled a game.
  • Verifying archives.
  • CPU and GPU drivers are up to date
  • Everything works just fine in a single player with the same list of mods.
  • I also tried to share the game with my second account and logged on to the same server, asked my friend to invite me to the clan and everything works perfectly.
  • I gave my steam account to my clan member and asked him to log in game with my character, everything works fine on his PC

The list of mods in order

  1. Pippi - User & Server Management
  2. Less Building Placement Restrictions
  3. Thrall War Dungeon Mod
  4. Northen Timber
  5. Barbarian Barber
  6. Hosavs Custom UI Mod
  7. SandstormEx
  8. Severe Weather
  9. clear_weather_no_rain
  10. Stacksize Plus
  11. ModControlPanel
  12. Fashionist
  13. Immersive Armor
  14. Shadows of Skelos - Extended
  15. Shadows of Skelos Vol.3
  16. Exiled Lands Extension
  17. The Age of Calamitous
  18. ExilesExtreme
  19. DungeonMasterTools

Pls send help <3

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