Started playing conan some time ago with a few friends, we started out on a dedicated server and ended up renting a private server for us, when we started game seemed fine despite a lil bit of lag here and there, now it’s basically unplayable, we play with some mods:
-Friends seem to be able to play fine with the exception of the ocasional fps lag or server lag.
I’m suffering from the following and more:
-Enemies teleport in front of me or hit me from 10m away and then teleport.
-Structures (walls, foundations, ceilings) seem fine, but every single other placeable (crafting stations, chests, decorations) take aaaaages to load it’s insane, doors also won’t load so I had to remove every door in my base so I wouldn’t get stuck in the lag.
-My friends characters won’t appear or they’ll just keep walking foward forever, or into a wall, or to the sky, they never walk normally, always teleport or just move in a direction
-Skins from the fashionist mod will also take a while to load, if I died for example, I would loot my body, it would star naked for a while, then appear as the armor i’m using and only then it would load the skins.
-Sometimes i’m walking around my base which is in a tree, and then suddently i’m on the jungle floor with 20 hp
-Sometimes I get stuck in the loading screen right as the loading bar gets full and it will never leave that screen, forcing me to restart the game.
-Arrows that I shoot will sometimes just dissapear, they consume but they don’t actually fly foward.
mods we’re using in order:
-WARRIOR Mutator
-High Heels
-Immersive armor
-Wonderbodyarmor&Clothes skimpy
-Wonder body no hair
-Weaty’s armor pack
-WAP_Wonderbody addon
-ARachery Evolved
-RA Fantasy
-RA Character customization
-Better Thralls
-Glass Constructions and more
-Yamarai Exiles
-Javelin improved
-Frost and volcanic placeables
-Kerozards paragon leveling
-Age of calamitous
-KPL - Smooth leveling
-Hosav’s Custom UI Mod
-Improved Quality of life
-LBPR Additional features
-Rebalanced Weather 2
-Stacksize Plus
-Unlock plus
How to reproce:
You can’t unless you’re also bugged
My connection is 300 mb/s down, 150 up, seems stable, friend uses the same ISP as me, I tried restarting, reinstalling, verifying archives, VPN, tried decreasing number of mods, tried changing some settings on game files about internet stuffs, and I don’t know what to do anymore, and since funcom doesn’t really answer tickets, they send us here, if someone could for the love of god give me a solution to this, I would love you.