Extreme amounts of lag, desync and load times on private server

Started playing conan some time ago with a few friends, we started out on a dedicated server and ended up renting a private server for us, when we started game seemed fine despite a lil bit of lag here and there, now it’s basically unplayable, we play with some mods:

-Friends seem to be able to play fine with the exception of the ocasional fps lag or server lag.

I’m suffering from the following and more:

-Enemies teleport in front of me or hit me from 10m away and then teleport.
-Structures (walls, foundations, ceilings) seem fine, but every single other placeable (crafting stations, chests, decorations) take aaaaages to load it’s insane, doors also won’t load so I had to remove every door in my base so I wouldn’t get stuck in the lag.
-My friends characters won’t appear or they’ll just keep walking foward forever, or into a wall, or to the sky, they never walk normally, always teleport or just move in a direction
-Skins from the fashionist mod will also take a while to load, if I died for example, I would loot my body, it would star naked for a while, then appear as the armor i’m using and only then it would load the skins.
-Sometimes i’m walking around my base which is in a tree, and then suddently i’m on the jungle floor with 20 hp
-Sometimes I get stuck in the loading screen right as the loading bar gets full and it will never leave that screen, forcing me to restart the game.
-Arrows that I shoot will sometimes just dissapear, they consume but they don’t actually fly foward.

mods we’re using in order:

-WARRIOR Mutator
-High Heels
-Immersive armor
-Wonderbodyarmor&Clothes skimpy
-Wonder body no hair
-Weaty’s armor pack
-WAP_Wonderbody addon
-ARachery Evolved
-RA Fantasy
-RA Character customization
-Better Thralls
-Glass Constructions and more
-Yamarai Exiles
-Javelin improved
-Frost and volcanic placeables
-Kerozards paragon leveling
-Age of calamitous
-KPL - Smooth leveling
-Hosav’s Custom UI Mod
-Improved Quality of life
-LBPR Additional features
-Rebalanced Weather 2
-Stacksize Plus
-Unlock plus

How to reproce:

You can’t unless you’re also bugged

My connection is 300 mb/s down, 150 up, seems stable, friend uses the same ISP as me, I tried restarting, reinstalling, verifying archives, VPN, tried decreasing number of mods, tried changing some settings on game files about internet stuffs, and I don’t know what to do anymore, and since funcom doesn’t really answer tickets, they send us here, if someone could for the love of god give me a solution to this, I would love you.

There are plenty of people on the Forum who use mods on PC hang tight till someone sees this. Welcome to the Forum good luck. :+1:

This is going to sound pretty basic, but have you restarted the server?

The symptoms given are the telltale signs of needing a restart. And they get worse every day. Ideally you want to reboot the server every 96 hours (4 days), and with heavy mod use (AoC/EEWA will count for this on their own) you’ll want to do this every 72 hours (3 days).

Restarting daily doesn’t hurt and can be automated by most rented server hosts. If you’re hosting it yourself, you might be using a tool that can do that (someone else might be able to help with that). But even without that, servers reboot pretty quickly (3-5 minutes). So you could just reboot as needed.


Server restarts twice a day every 12 hours, precisely because of this type of issue

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Have you tried the same mod collection in SP on your PC? If your friends are OK with your server and only you’re experiencing lags I’d check your PC and your internet connection. Maybe visit some of your family members/neighboroughs with your PC?


Next thing to try is to try Singleplayer like Ko6ka said. If it runs fine, try downloading the database locally and trying it in Singleplayer.

Next would be to try loading that database into a local dedicated server (running the dedicated server software from steam on your machine). If it runs fine, then your server host is the issue.

If the database has issues on your local machine (in either Singleplayer or Dedicated), then you’ll likely be looking at a wipe.

You’re not renting a server from G-Portal by chance? If so they may be unable to run the mods you have listed.

It’s only me yes, friends are playing fine, with some normal lag, i’ve kinda narrowed it down to an internet problem, I have no packet loss I’ve checked multiple times, so it may be some other problem, traceroute seems a bit sketchy but i’m not really sure

Given that my friends are playing just fine, i’d rule out database problems or mods problems, since it would likely affect them too

Server is from Nitrado.


Well, a couple of queries pop to my mind:

  • how many regular players on at same time?
  • are most bases large, built using a lot of mod-content, and with lots of thralls/pets?
  • are most players on at similar times?
  • are the Admin spawned/built stuff by you, or do you use an exclusively separate login for all the admin-builds, but not to play with?

One of the biggest issues any private server admin(s) will have will be how that server will handle managing its performance and memory against the volume of instructions it gets via players. Years back FC had to rejig the range and way that bases would spawn in because that caused major issues to servers. Many players love large bases. Often heavily decorated bases and with mods, very complicated and mind-blowingly beautifully designed bases. Servers have to deal with all of that simultaneously. If you have a group of players all in one area, it is not too bad depending on the complexity of where they are. If there are lots of players all on and in their own, huge bases, with a purge or three, and most players with mod-driven kits and suchlike, your server will be very busy.

The symptoms you list - lagging when approaching a base, skins taking time to load in, mod-related content taking time to load in. All these point to issues with the server memory and feeding that info back to the player(s). Local network speeds, system memory, graphic card issues. There’s a long list. FC committed to getting content to load in and servers to work fine, but do not guarantee things when mods are in.

I know that I am going to get drop offs on my modded servers when I get to certain huge player bases. I also know to expect connection issues and disconnects when I teleport back to or to any large base, especially ones that have used a lot of mod content. Most private servers have PIPPI-portals and players often hop about maps to visit admin-dungeons, towns, and back to their large, complicated and beautiful, but modded-bases. All of this is extra to any server load and leads to “outgoing reliable buffer overflows”, “player disconnected”, etc messages.

When the usual number of players are logged on, pop over and check what the server loads are and the size of the database. These are key indicators you could post in here and other Admins can then more clearly see where the issue is likely to be. Good luck.


Usually ? 3 People :smiley: it’s just us friends 1 of which has a kinda bigish base but it’s mostly empty space castle like thing.

My base is i’d say, medium, it’s on a tree, and everything i have, is one that tree, I have 4 small huts around it, 1 for pets, 1 for thralls, 1 for vanilla stations and 1 for aoc stations.

It doesn’t lag when i’m approaching a base, it happens whenever i come back to base after it unloads or when I go to anyones bases doesn’t matter where or who, and it affects stamina, quests, armor and skins, portals, my ability to teleport from waypoints in the groun(they say i need to be near them but i guess it doesn’t consider me near them), my hp ( when i take damage or heal it takes a long while before i can actually see where it’s at), my ability to see other players moving normally, but when i just logged on, everything on my base is fine, move away once, it all goes back to being bad.

There is no admin spawned structures, not a single one of us decorates the bases with any type of beautiful things, we are usually on our own bases but there’s just 3 of us on 1 small, me medium 1 kinda big.

It’s not only mod related content, it’s everything except walls, floors, ceilings, doorframes (doors dont load either), stairs, etc. which are from AoC mod actually, and they load just fine. Out bases are basically crafting stations, foundations, walls, thralls and chests.

Server CPU Usage is almost always at 90%, RAM always at 10gb, players usually at 2 sometimes 3, almost never 4.
The thing is, you NEED to remember, I’m playing on the same server my 2 friends are, and they can play the game just fine, anytime, anywhere, if it was a server related issue it would be my connection to the server, but this was happening when my friend hosted the server aswell, so that seems unlikely, and if the amount of stuff we’ve build is too much, this game is worse than ark on optimization and that is a hard thing to do, if the problem was related to mods and their conflicts it would affect gameplay for everyone on the server, because it would be a global problem, but i’m the only one affected.

Excellent feedback and detail there - thanks.

Wow on the server settings. I have just hopped onto one of my servers, also heavily modded, though not all your mods.

Server Memory: 13% at 8.25GB
CPU 3.85%

The fact that your friends have no issue then that helps a lot and you are quite right that it suggests it’s local. You should therefore check that your graphics card has its latest version installed. Check how much free hard-drive space you have. You may even want to (I think it’s not necessary) check the games Steam integrity. Also, do you know whether there are others using your internet connection? Whether they are streaming at same time? Also, are you connecting via wireless or direct cable connection to router?

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Well, it is a Nitrado server, I would assume they have multiple servers on the same machine with more cores. I will check on the graphics card and will get back to you. 110gb free space, i’ve checked integrity many many…many times, usually after a fatar error, usually 1 or 2 files missing in that case. Only one other person uses this internet connection and she doesn’t really do anything major on it except whatsapp and maybe some vids, and, always connected via cable.

I’ve also trying using a VPN, reinstalling the game completely, tried managing the mods several times every time understanding more the order they should be in (based on the AoC Guide to mod order, quite helpful), tried changing bitrates on game files, which always get undone when i check for integrity so i haven’t really redone that, tried removing some of the mods to maybe lessen the load on the server and on my machine, possibly some other stuff i don’t remember, i checked packets returned with no loss, traceroute has some failed attempts in the middle but ends up at destination with expected ping with 14 bounces, I’m really scratching my head, struggling to play the game

Oh and aaaaa, other games seem to be doing fine, it’s just a conan problem

It’s a general Conan problem if it is common to all modded servers.
The moment Mods are introduced (to Any game), the variables stop being game-related. You said your mates have no issue, therefore logic suggests it’s a local issue to your system.
Standard Tech issue-resolution protocols suggest going back to vanilla and adding till the issue replicates. With a lot of mods that will be a mammoth enterprise.
You could download the game.db to your local drive and see what happens if you run solo.
You could mess with load orders.
Mod discords and Steam Comments often list issues where there are issues.
I’ve no idea who Nitrado are and I use another service provider server farm.

Of all of your mods, my servers only use:
-Immersive armor
-Glass Constructions and more
-LBPR Additional features

I have 16 other mods, including mods +1gb that add custom build items so my servers run quite heavy on resources. If your connection is fine and fast, your graphic drivers are up to date, your machine has space, but none of your mates have the same issues - and other players in similar situations do not report same issues, then logic suggests something local.

You mention AoC for mod-order, but not in your mod listing? If it were running on the server then you need to raise this to the respective mod discord as the members there may have an easy solution.

Good luck. It’s horrible when a player gets issues like you mention, to which an easy solution is not clear. Good luck and if you find a solution, please post in here in case it also helps others.

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With cpu at 90%, what kind of cpu? My client cpu doesnt top 10%. Perhaps something else is running causing your issue. Or perhaps you have a cpu on the edge.

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Just coming to tell that I have the same kind of issue on private w/ mods but also on official servers.

I’ve come to think that this is a connexion-related issue that occurs beyond my home network, even if all kinds of ping check, traceroute & speed tests give good results. Maybe related to the sabotaging of some optical fiber networks in France.

Yeah, I’ll try to play with those options you gave, and yeah I mention the AoC mod order cuz it’s what a bunch of people online seemed to suggest it worked, so I went with what guidelines were there.

Yeah it’s probably local, I just can’t figure out what is the problem exactly

Thanks for the replies they were helpful, as i said I’ll play around with the mods, mod order, db, etc

It’s the server CPU State displayed in the dashboard of the server page, not my own CPU, mine was at around 50-70% while using discord, watching videos, playing conan, etc

It may be the case that our connections to something conan related is somewhat broken or bugged, but I have no idea how to find something like that out outside of the tests you mentioned, it was super weird to me that they returned normal, as I believed something like that would be causing my issue


Still looking to solve my issues, I’m currently trying to connect through a VPN.
So far it seems… well, let’s say less bad than without :stuck_out_tongue: maybe you could have a try too (there’s some free vpn servs available to test before buying anything)