Did you just confirm that the top left quadrant of the map will be filled out??
Edit: Right quadrant**
hey we love it, don’t change a thing unless it’s easier for u
I think you have been playing a different game for the past years if you want the top left filled in
Forgive my ignorance, but what is a settlement system?
Don’t we kind of already have that? Where you can put foundation blocks down, and “settle” an area?
A long time ago in a early access far far away, there once were hopes and dreams to have Conan Exiles have Sim City lite features. Nothing super crazy, Thralls farming, opening doors for you, Thralls putting out lights, a barracks building.
It wasnt ever clearly defined and players mostly filled in the gaps themselves with all sorts of personal hopes and goals.
Ahh, thank you. I would suspect that there are already some mods that have addressed this interest… yes?
I always thought the settlement system was all about the REAL update to AI, dropping the static behavior npcs have, the most “complex” one we have is path walking, hell, even dungeon keeper minions do their things (work, sleep, get up, go eat).
A few mods offer trading. Emberlight might have some Thrall farming stuff (@AlrenStorm would know all about that if there was), I know of one mod that is working on Thralls opening doors but I swear there is one around, or at least mimics it, somewhere that does it now (Pippi maybe?).
Thralls gathering resources on their own has a mod that used animal pen mechanics to generate resources (and another mod that “sends Thralls out into the field” but is more like a gathering mission like STWOR does it), but actual Thralls going out to go smack on some rocks is stupid hard to make (if not impossible because of server performance code). There is even a mod called “City Life” on the workshop that does some various mod tricks to help your city feel a little more alive.
That’s all I can think of off the top of my head that at least mimics what City Life/Settlement System was envisioned to be.
I also hope that the AI Improvements and the Thrall/Pets Overhaul will give the Modders more possibilities to create something like you envision. For example I-emerge, the Modder of Glasconstructions and more, is currently working on a new gate, a portcullis, which can be opened by one or more Thralls. The more thralls the faster the gate will be opened.
Hope for the best but expect the worst and you will never be disappointed in life.
Thats true, but hard to achieve. Welcome to the forums btw.
I’m still patiently waiting on some of those new building pieces mentioned a way back…* cough * double doors. * cough * I also still maintain the belief that proper columns would be nice - picture it: footprint would be roughly the same size as a foundation square but they’d be about 3 levels high.
You could make some really cool stuff with those.
It’s begun - we’re live!
See the first post on where to find us:
Table of contents:
Quick note: What was announced on stream is what’s coming in the patch. On stream, they announced the biggest changes just so you have an idea of what’s coming. - @Ignasi
- New weapons and weapon types;
–single-handed shortsword. not re-used material. you will less hit your friends. The Blood and Sand DLC will have variants of this weapon.
–two-handed greataxes. you will hit everything around you on the heavy attack.
Battle standards: tall placeable flag with two flags on the front - creates a PVP-zone. You can make them in various sizes and shapes.
– Currently, the air around the zone shakes like it’s in the desert, but this will become a clear grid which shows you what the area is the PVP zone.
– It can only be placed on land claimed by you.
– It will be deployed on PVE and PVE-C servers first for feedback and might eventually be deployed on PVP servers.
– When you choose “No” you can still walk around as a spectator inside the zone.
– There was also originally a beam which would show where the zone would be, but this was removed as to not be confused with the religion beacons (god bubbles).
– You will not lose your inventory when you die.
– This is for players. not for buildings. They can not be damaged in these zones (in PVE servers)
- Animation changes for weapons to dialing down the role identity in gameplay.
– Basic longsword. 3rd combo step was a vertical slash (which would often miss targets), which made it confusing on how to use it. Now it is more horizontal (diagonal).
– Two-handed greatsword.
– Pikes.
There’s more details, but Multigun should cover these. -
Weapon oils - , top tear weapon buffing. Once the buff wears off, your weapon will quickly break.
– Oil of …
– Oil of Bounty
– Oil of Concussion
– Oil of Penetration - Weapon kits (‘mod kits’): Increase one stat, another stat goes down
- Next week’s stream: DLC reveal. Blood and Sand is not Dune themed.
Catch the full stream summary by Multigun here.
you should be able to - maybe, they didn’t show it off.
I would not think so since every weapon already has a predesignated hand. They would have to make a LH and a RH weapon for u to wield one of each
As it is now, this short sword and 2h axe will be new wall decorations, dont get me wrong, its good to see FC adding new weapon types, but their animations is kinda meh, they need work for sure.
Edit 1: In other hand, by the way, as a sword user, I loved the change on the 3d light attack, that vertical attack was horrible and replacing with this new one is golden, kudos for Alex, thats what Im talking about tweaking weapons, keep them comming.
Edit 2: Watching again the part on showing the new moves, shortening the distance on 1st heavy attack of the 1h sword is not a good idea because that attack was a gap closer, I know you extended the second attack, but if one uses dualwield like myself, I won’t take advantage on that, on the contrary, this is a nerf for dual wielders, please reconsider this change. And when @Jens_Erik spammed the light attack chain, it didnt appear to be the same speed as live, it seemed slower, even the Greatsword light chain seemed faster than the 1h sword, please take a loot into it.
These additions are nice, but what’s with a Thrall Overhaul, what’s with new settings for players and private servers, what with AI Improvements? Aren’t these improvements important at all or do you consider to cancel such changings. There was no word about in the stream although many people asked about.
I am now a server owner since more than one year, I am supporting this game since the beginning of EA with money, ideas, modsupporting, community support …! At least it would be fair to tell the community if these really important overhauls (and you also announced a siege and PvP overhaul last year) are on the line or at least worked on. Please Funcom!