Game mode: online
Problem: [performance/bug]
Region: EU
Died teleporting through map because it takes to long to load the jungle in had full silent legion and weapon, this game is beyond a joke. Spend ages getting gear on my own and then I die to such a stupid thing, just make it so your character loads in after the loading screen!! Not after you die to 3 Panthers! Stupid game
What happens is when you use the map room and teleport to the jungle obelisk sometimes the panthers attack you while your still loading in the game I died about 3 times this way and at the obelisk above the arena sometimes the undead hyenas are attacking you but because I wear silent legion armor there attacks don’t hurt me enough I kill them right when I load in but the panthers hit harder and cause bleed damage
Spent all day getting silent legion and the sword too getting all the materials for it just to die and lose it because it takes to long to load in! So annoying lost all motivation to get it back now, hardened leather and volatile gland are annoying to get
And now I’m on my 4th time logging in after getting dashboarded:joy: how the fk is this game full release it’s still as buggy as it was when I last played it
If you’re willing to invest the money, get a solid state drive. They make a huge difference on load time, and both rendering and lag issues. When my wife and I play with another couple, I could be the last one teleporting in, but I’ll be the first one “in” at the location. There have been a few times where I’ve killed the undead hyenas that were making mince meat or of the group because they hadn’t completely loaded in yet.