Using Map Room to teleport, long load time, and arrive, dead

Game mode: [Online | PVE-C]
Problem: [Bug | Performance | Misc]
Region: America

I went to use my map room to head to Black Keep, teleported, and then waited two minutes due to loading, almost thought the game froze/crash (because that’s happened too) but more than a few times I would arrive to my destination, DEAD. After which I wound up immediately returning to my spawn point in the wrong gear causing me to die of heatstroke, which might actually be another bug, because I’m indoors in a shelter in the highlands wearing Vanir medium gear, DYING OF HEATSTROKE IN MY BASE.

If I am wearing my Silent Legion armor instead I’m usually okay, but teleporting to Black Keep in the Silent Legion armor will cause me to die of Frostbite, I’m getting off topic… Anyway I just find it off you can teleport and arrive, dead on arrival after loading. It’s frustrating.

Steps on how to reproduce issue:
1.Make and use a Maproom
3.wait ridiculously long time to load
4.arrive dead, rinse and repeat

yeah I have this problem sometimes all tho rare.

It be nice to be immune of temp/attacks until you take a step after teleporting

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