Game is great but the loading time everytime you respawn or teleport it’s game breaking.
You die in the volcano ,forget about getting your body back without a spare set of legion gear, you will die of heat before even loading in.
You want to teleport to an obelisk?well hope nobody is there because your character will be sitting there defenceless for 2-4 minutes …
Can’t you guys just patch this by making the character body spawn in once the loading is done? Or add immunity frames until you gain control of your character?
I lost so many kits due to this issue that im considering dropping the game even tho I love it.
Same issue here. I want to avoid using the map-room because of such wait and die.
Funcom is just going to say add a SSD to the playstation. Which one do you have?
It’s client based. I never got the SSD or PS4 pro but can tell you PS5 has 15-30 sec loads. When playing with friends with PS4s, I’m halfway through a quick run dungeon before they load up.
i have conan on a m2 and sometimes the game needs 5seconds to load everything and sometimes it needs 10minutes. I dont think its clientside.
Lately played with a friend from Greece on a US server. We go through map room I get at the designated place and he finally shows up and then next time he shows up much earlier. I am on a 1tb ps4 him on a older unit. Don’t have any ideas as to why luck of the draw I guess. It was the same in Jebal sags dungeon.
I’m on ps4 ,but friends of mine on ps5 have the same issue. Normally faster on ps5 but not always…I saw they bringing out teleporters with 3.0 so at least you can box them in and teleport to a safe location but it would be just simpler to leave the character in the upload until loading time is done and just spawn it in when done
I can’t remember the last time I used a map room bc of this reason. When I visit the volcano I ride a horse. When I leave the volcano, I don’t use any loading screen shortcuts bc of dying at the loading screen. Even leaving vaults on Siptah I have died bc my body enters the world b4 I do and I become the equivalent of fish in a barrel. This game is great but figuring out work arounds sucks.
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