I timed the load screen when i teleported. It took 1 minute and 25 seconds, most of which i had to stand defenseless at the obelisk. Do you think that’s reasonable or should something be done about it, Funcom?
Are you trying to load into an area with large builds in the vicinity? And what do you mean by ‘load’ for that matter, are you talking about the load screen it self or how long it takes everything to render once you get there (try to be more specific)? What platform are you on? I play on a very old PC (8yr old gfx card) and even with moderate size builds at the Obelisk, it still only takes 3 seconds or less for the load screen and another couple seconds to render everything once I arrive.
I load in seconds, what are your specs, do you run mods that may increase your time. This is unlikely to be a game issue but most likely related to your hardware or the server you play on.
Just to narrow it down a bit, make sure the game is installed on a Solid State Drive (SSD) or faster. Hard Disk Drives are not recommended for Conan Exiles… or really any game anymore.
SSD loads infinitely quicker than HDD. Even regardless, a minute and a half isn’t a massive amount when it comes to games. There’s plenty of games with way longer load times
Do you have a modlist you can share or is this pure vanilla? Over a minute would be odd even for a mechanical hard drive, but that was my first thought too. Even my old ps4 hdd before I switched to an ssd didnt take that long (but it did take long enough to always die in the well of skelos). It could be as suggested that with an hdd and a mess of build structures near the obelisk, it could take a long time to load in, but I wouldnt expect that to affect when the graphic cuts out.
My thought as well when I said a problem with the server they play on. There could be some massive build at the obelisk that needs to render in combined with an older pc.
Holy crap! That’s a lot. What platform are you playing on?
I have this same problem, I was killed by both other players and NPCs before due to this delay. I no longer teleport during pvp times to safeguard myself. It is frustrating but so is rubber banding and general lag which have also got me killed during battles or by falling off a cliff. This is on xbox.
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