Loading in takes long, teleporting load takes long, why?

since the last 3 months i noticed the loading in and teleporting to ob’s takes long, ive been killed often by the panthers when i went for the jungle south because i didnt load in fast enough, maybe that needs to be checked and fixed…aside from this the ping fiesta isnt solved either wich makes people just NOT wanna play…activity is lowerd because of these issues, please take a look at that, i am sure many have this same issue

It takes a moment for me. Time to upgrade your pc?

you really think its just me?hmm could be i am using windows 7…hmmm thnx ill check my pc then

Me : CE early access, couldnt even get to the river, my PC and graphics card were totally junk.
Me: Bought a new PC with quadcore 2300X,16 RAM DDR5, and Radeon RX 5700 XT. Now running in ultra and loads super fast AND I can see grass. LOL


Get a solid state drive, I have one and the longest load screen I have sat through on this game is 3 seconds…It was the longest 3 seconds ever.


Like someone stated, use an SSD or better yet and nvme. If you are stuck with a mechanical drive you can try optimizing it, will help a little. If you system will support it, RAM drive would help.

Double post

Loading times are insane relating to the quantity of data they really load on all games using Unreal, Crysys (probably Lumberyard too) and Unity Engines. Try with an SSD like I did, just for games using these engine. It remains cheaper than a PS5 :smiley:

Or a WD Velociraptor.
It literally cuts the loading time half, and a go to if you want a cheap, big capacity drive.

Just to check, did someone happen to build a whole bunch of stuff very close to that obelisk around the time you started noticing the problem?

As others said. Use a SSD. I just made the switch myself two weeks ago and the difference is crazy. It used to take the whole intro video to load with about 20 mods loaded. Now its done before the girl on the cross appears.

Its also affected the ingame loading screens using obelisks and other teleports.

Just remember when you use the Steam install location migration tool, that it does NOT edit your modlist.txt. You will need to modify that or delete it before loading the game.


uhm yeah its pvp they always build near obs in pvp lol

No, what I meant was whether they built that stuff at more or less the same time you started getting the problem? A lot of buildings around the teleport destination can make your loading screen longer.

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