I recently opened a topic about the long loading times but it closed before i could respond. I was talking about the actual loading screen as i clearly mentioned in the post, it takes sometimes almost two minutes for the screen to pass and i’m completely defenseless during that time. It’s not server related but indeed PS4 hardware related but i’m not going to buy a SSD because of one game. All of my friends on PS4 have the same problem so it’s not just me either. The loading times were manageable before the Siptah updates and the graphics “improvements”. And although i’m not an expert on these matters i do believe something can be done about it on console version. But does Funcom have the interest to do anything about it as PS4 is an older console, that’s beyond me.
I get used to it. I don’t blame Funcom, it’s my fault, my issue I didn’t upgrade to 5 yet. Pc players can complain that the games evolution is being on hold because of consoles, especially old Playstation and old Xbox.
The reason I didn’t upgrade yet is the sharks that use the ps5 console for great profits, but for this I blame Sony not Funcom.
I see some light however in the end of this tunnel. I started seen reasonable deals for ps5 now that makes me want, or afford buying it. So I believe in the next month I will own one hopefully and I wish the same to you my dear friend, so we will start enjoying more this game.
Cheers .
I buyed a new gaming PC and played Conan… Yeah using a maproom… 3 seconds loadingscreen… Ps4 sometimes 3 minutes…
But what I saw on official’s at PlayStation is something strange. My friend has a ps5. We load into the wine cellar. I was the first one in there and was able to heart him for over a minute. The same when we get out. Also travaling to an obelisk has the same behavior. Me around 1 minute and he around 2 minutes loadings screen.
The next day we played it was the other way around…
So I can’t say it’s complete a hardwareproblem… The ps5 should be faster every time.
I don’t have a problem when it needs more loadingtime but there need to be a solution for when you are in loadingscreen but your body is already teleported. Something like a ghost mode until you do your first move or something like this.
At the upper jungle obelisk sometimes i get the death screen after loading screen… Killed by panther…
I can see thinks like this as a part of the game but its not fair if its related to different loadingscreen times.
Abnormally long??
Damn. I playing on actually self made wooden-pc really some details are wood ( heating system) and game always when not modded loads in like instantly on HDD… ( siptah and exiles - vannila versions ) longes load time was like 1 minute … and thats actually is fast not long… try modded then its like 45 minutes
Most of the times the ps5 is fast and furious. The reason it’s most of the times and not always has to do with the internet connection and not the console.
@Marcospt 99% is waiting for me always, he is 5 and I am 4.
Now I always run before him, at least 1 min earlier but he still spawns faster than me .
He says, where are you man?
I say, loading screen… Still .
Ps5 rocks it worth it.
Not to mention the rendering issues, I wait for minutes to see my base on 4 and @Marcospt try hard not to put a lot deco in the house so it will render faster for me.
Again 5 rocks, it worth it .
But it’s not gaming pc, it will never be .
Don’t be too hard on your PS4. I play on PS5 and its not much different.
Two days ago it was taking 60+ seconds to teleport to an obelisk, imagine playing PvP and waiting 60 seconds. And the corruption.
Last night it was back to normal, taking like 6 seconds to load.
I really hope the new updates brings some performance to console players.
For CE sake… They need to fix how player sit idle during damn load screens.
I don’t get killed during fallout 76 or Skyrim or NMS cause I’m in load long load screen. CE just does it and really bad way.
I got a SSD, so 10-20second loads times are Godly. Best thing I could get for my ps4 was that external.
Its a issue on CE that we have asked them to fix and adjust… way to many times. I rarely make threads. AND I have a thread asking them to fix this issue.
Cause its a Awful Issue.
Sony Fanboy here. I love my PlayStations.
I was playing PS3 Grand Theft Auto 5 one day when I heard the news, that the PS4 was getting its own GTA. I bought another two copies of the game at full price. This is exceedingly rare for me, as I prefer to buy a game later and save cash. This is Gamestop Used Game on disc era.
GTA on PS4 is a complete improvement from the PS3. Eventually, PS3 support ended, but Rockstar never once tried to do anything but keep the PS3 version in its lane. It was good, but nothing like the PS4 version. Absolute night and day differences.
Conan on PS4 should be stripped down and limited to what looks and plays the best. PS5 can continue in its arc toward “OK,” but PS4 should go back to optimum playability. This great console sort of demands it. At the very least, it deserves it.
Funcom is damned if they do, damned if they dont on this one. If they roll back to the most optimized version for loading times on ps4, they will get the “Funcom abandoned consoles!” complaint. If they keep adding to consoles and expect you to upgrade your drive or to a ps5, they will get the “I can’t play the game I paid for!” complaint. Its really a business question and that’s, how to get more players to play the game? The answer is more content and keep developing the game. They arent going to hold back development and lose opportunity for outdated hardware.
I have same problem on Xbox One, been killed at obelisks by NPC creatures or other players. I just avoid obelisks if possible during pvp and get on my trusty horse instead.
I agree, Marcospt. Mind you I am upgrading to my first ever gaming PC soon, so hopefully obelisks will be quicker
You play correctly, trust your horse is way better option on pvp official, no matter the map. Teleporting is mostly for “pve”.
Playing full encumbrance in solo pvp is wrong, a mistake you will pay sooner or later. It’s better to carry less and bring them safe to your base, than carry the half nodes of the map and cry for loosing them. I was doing this mistake a lot. Now even in pve I play fighter, full encumbrance was a faze, it’s long gone now and never return .
I don’t think it’s any secret that this game has always struggled with optimization. I personally wouldn’t attempt to play it on PC unless I had a badass rig, which fortunately mine is pretty decent. It’s unfortunate however that the game does still have D1 issues that may never be fixed. Heres hoping we get fixes in 3.0!
This isn’t to diminish the PS5, I simply don’t have a use for one anymore. My gaming PC has converted me. As for noise, you should see and feel the Steam Locomotive action I get in my den when I run both my PS3 Phat and PS4 Flat. lol
My rig is used as a console, complete with ps5 controller. I dont know how people can enjoy hunching over a keybord with wrists poised, inches from a bright monitor. Give me a recliner, a controller, a 65” 4k screen with a bag of potato chips and coffee anyday. That and that moment when you pass out while running across the map and fall off a cliff to your death is priceless.
I have an entertainment room where I can just chill. It has musical instruments I can hook to Rocksmith, and a PS3 for primarily that, GTA IV (yes, 4) and Borderlands. All of that centers on a couch with a chaise!
My Entertainment PS4 is mostly used for Blu-Ray, GTA Online and Goat Simulator, all via the chill and comfort of the couch. Nothing beats the Console for that!
get a gaming desktop and a ssd
I am planning to use a console controller when I get my gaming PC. Any recommendations? I would use an xbox one controller which I am used to BUT they break and malfunction so easy.
I hardwire a spare PS4 controller using a “lightweight” braided Micro-USB cable. You hardly even feel it while playing. You get all the prompts as PS icons, which is very helpful, and feels more homey.
Wait? do you?
I get xbox prompts with any of my ps4 controllers. Thou I stop using it, since anytime usb wiggle abit, it would crash game…
Xbox Controller has nice USB with no wiggle. I hate who ever design Dpad and left stick…