Game mode: ONLINE
Problem: BUG
On the PS4 Pro, upon death, the game will not pop up a window allowing you to chose where you would like to spawn (Bedroll, Bed, Desert). It just automatically spawns you in the desert. This is very unfortunate if you are farming in the volcano and accidentally die in lava that is supposedly underneath the floor, but is not seen on the television screen. Once you respawn in the desert, it’s impossible to run, naked, all the way to the volcano to retrieve your belongings. Very frustrating, and immediately impels me to shut Conan off and go play something else. Please correct this game damaging (although easy to fix) bug. Thank you for your prompt response.
If your vitality is low enough you can go get killed by the defari tribe right near the spawn and then possibly try to spawn where needed, I have noticed this too mainly when im in a high traffic area or a spot with big builds or lots of pets/thralls
Here’s an extra piece of info. You have to update your spawn points each time you log back in. So if I log in, and touch my bed and my roll, then those options are there if I die. If I do not touch them, the options aren’t there. So something in the code resets the spawn points each time you log out. Maybe that helps?