Do you actually know your fellow Exiles?

(Sorry, my English is very bad …)

An incredible rich life in experiences !


(Sorry, I’m French and my English is bad …)

When you talk about Morrowind, it’s strange but it’s a game like Conan Exiles,
these two games have a distinctive atmosphere !
I often think about Morrowind when I play at Conan Exiles.

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OIC, that is a great approach!

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Ok youngsters. “I liked Ike” (look it up) (hint he was a good president)
You ever watched the ole reruns of Happy Days? Well I lived them.

First PC, an IBM 8088, which lead way to a 286, which hot swapped a 386 processor. Oh yeah my 4 slot VLD video card had a whopping 4 1 MEG ram chips in it, then I saved $300 up and got 4 4 MEG chips. 16 megs of 3D MMORPG fun.

Played Planetary Raiders, it was the first 3D space3 MMO. Then a Star Wars game came along. We loved it until Sony kilt it. Been looking ever since.
Ive played Age of Conan since it came out. Conan Exiles is what we have been waiting for, for over a decade.

We have had some good dudes and dudettes on several servers. Mainly keep to ourselves. There are butt wipes there too. We just take it with a grain of salt.
Im going to die soon, so Conan is for getting my mind off of the worlds woes.

So Party on Garth!
(If you dont know who Garth is look up Bill & Teds Excellent Adventure) You will regret it.


I like the booth Movies!

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Hi all and thank you for your presentations, it is a great way to know you all a bit better :slight_smile:

My real name is Per, I am 55 years old from Denmark and I live with an amazing woman, she doesn’t mind me sometimes playing a lot of hours which give her time to watch Netflix series or do her paper scrapping.
We have a 12 year old boy who also like to play Conan Exiles and many other games, but he is not the only child, he does have half sieblings because all in all we have 5 children, however they are all grown-ups now and have children now.

My nick “Frillen” is actually a funny story from when I was a child…
I grew up in a small fishing town in the northern part of Denmark(Hirtshals) and in early 70’s we had some gangs from the blocks where I lived that often hang out in a nearby forest, we did a lot of crazy stuff like swinging in a rope like a Tarzan, climbing high trees and trying to jump from tree to tree.
I was considered a bit of a daredevil so whenever the bigger kids said “dare you…” to me then I just did it and sometimes it went a bit wrong like once when I actually tried jumping from a tree top to another with the result of falling through all the branches of a high pine tree until I hit the ground.
I had bruises and scratches all over my body but other than that I was fine, so after that time they began to call me Frillen which actually meant something else than what they thought.
They were thinking of Lemmings that run over a cliff killing themselves, but they thought these animals were called Frillens, so the name just stuck to me :sweat_smile:

Like I mentioned I grew up in a small fishing town and most of my family were either fishermen or worked in the fishing industry, so I naturally started fishing from a small boat in my teens with a friend of mine and later with bigger ships.
I loved the sea but didn’t like the constant being away from home every time it was decent or nice weather, so I started working in the fishing industry until my health started to give me problems.
It was hard work with lots of heavy lifting and I got back problems which resulted in surgery 3 times for herniated disks, so the doctors told me that I had to do something else or I would risk becoming severely disabled.
Up until then I had been working in very physical jobs and I had no professional training, so I went to college at the age of 33 and graduated as a student in 1999 and then studied programming and graphical design.
I worked a few years as a software developer and web design, but the long hours got to me so I applied for a job as IT-support in 2012 at the same college I graduated from, so I have been working there since then and I love the contact with my old teachers, helping them and the students with their computer and software problems, it is a very satisfying job where I get to know a lot of people and just see how happy they are for my help :slight_smile:

That was a bit about me, but hey we haven’t really talked about what I do in my spare time… :smile:

I moved away from the town I was born in many years ago and now live in a lot bigger town a bit away from the sea, but I love to go back to the place I grew up and just walk by the sea, feel the chilling wind while letting my thoughts wander in any direction - It’s my form of meditation :slight_smile:

I have a huge collection of diecast model cars, a Märklin train set and a lot of RC cars, mostly tractors, trucks and construction vehicles all in the scales 1:87, 1:50 and 1:32(mostly RC) where I enjoy sometimes going down into my workshop and create stuff for them or rebuild them - Yeah I feel like a kid again when playing with them, but I enjoy it :blush:

My interest for computer games began in my teens when we hang out at the local grillbar playing arcade games.
My first computer was a Lambda ZX81, it couldn’t really do much other than programming small games and programs on it, but it was such an exciting new world, so this wonderful thing called a computer became a big part of my life.
I later got a texas ti99/4a which was the first computer where I could buy and play games on in 16 colors, I remember a game called Forbidden Forest which I played to death.
Then came the commodore generations with VIC20, C64 and Amiga, but I especially remember C64 for its amazing amount of good games like fx Impossible Mission, Summer games, Ultima series and many others.

I spend a lot of time playing computer games and my favorite genres have always been adventure, RTS, FPS and Simulation with a BIG S.
But a few years ago a friend of mine introduced my to a game called Stranded Deep which is a survival simulation and I just became so insanely hooked on the survival genre and bought almost every game on Steam that was within this genre and then I noticed a game called Conan Exiles which had been released in early access and here I am still :grin:

It’s not like Conan Exiles is a true survival simulation, but since it has exploration, building, fighting and multiplayer where you can work with or against others, it just did something to me especially since I had read Conan comics as a child.
Currently I don’t really do much pvp because it mostly is a bit toxic, but after a while on a pve server I missed the conflict and switched to PVE-C.

I love my life, my family, the nature, my job, my hobbies, gaming and I will probably still be playing computer games when I am really old, half blind and wear a diaper :rofl:


Hilarious! I looked it up, it says lemming is Danish for lemming. Best laugh I’ve had in a while.


Hi, I’m Aaron. I live in Michigan in the United States. This is my first survival game, my first Conan game, and my first Funcom game. I like video games, and really enjoy Strategy games and RPGs. Some of my favorite games are Age of Wonders, Skyrim, Morrowind, Dragon’s Dogma, and Conan Exiles. I also play some Civilization V and IV.

I dabble in Blender and I would like to get into more career 3D modeling for games at some point. I also like animals and enjoy bicycling.

And regarding the title, I like to think of us as Exile acquaintances.:upside_down_face:


Excellent story man! Thanks for sharing.


I knew someone who’s father was deaf/mute. Made me want to learn to sign, it looked cool. I still remember how to cuss in sign. :slight_smile: Glad to have you with us!


Trade for steel bar across neck. XD
I lost mine working conomatic screw machines, When bars get to end, they ussally drop into Oil/scrap pull in bottom. Sometimes they get grabbed. (there from 1930- to 1950’s, so no safety features outside a stop button, limbs that go in, don’t come back out. he he he)

bar got toss out, when its spinning. Took it pointy end into collar bone and neck. Spent 3+ week in hospital for infection. (they use oil as coolant and lubrication) That was at 19.

I use to never shut up, so its abit funny to me, LOL
At age 4 thou, ouch. I took me quite abit to get hang of postie notes with family. Can’t imagine going thru school. =(


I always wanted to learn sign language but I never had the option/opportunity.
I should be on the lookout for an online class :slight_smile:

Wow, so sorry to hear that. That is a rough challenge to have to deal with.

I always had the idea to do a special “Survive and Dominate” Campaign with showcasing Exiles players who Dominate and Survive their RL challenges every day. You guys inspire me greatly to pick that thought up again.


Hello fellow Exiles,

I’m from Idaho, entering my late thirties, and am an attorney. Been gaming since NES. As an adult, gaming is my way of relaxing and taking a break from the stresses of adulting.

It is incredible how far not only graphics and game mechanics have come along, but story telling too. Conan Exiles has created an intriguing story of its own, as well as a wonderful medium for players to create and tell stories of their own.

I’m an on and off Exile, currently running a server with several friends who picked the title up when it was free on PS Plus subs. Aside from Conan, we’ve recently been cycling through some Fall Out 76, Monster Hunter World, Anthem, and Path of Exile.


Yeowch. Well, at least with me, I don’t really remember much from before, so it’s just normal for me now.

Ever see an anime called A Silent Voice? That’s so close to how it was for me that I nearly bawled my eyes out for the earliest parts. But it’s a great movie.


Hello, fellow Exiles.
I’m Perry. Born and raised in Texas, where I still live. However, I traveled the world in my youth, as a member of the U.S. Navy. I am glad for that experience. I think that learning how others around the world live and think is important. I am also the family genealogist and historian, so actual knowledge of the rest of the world is that much more important to me.
Like many others here, I started with a C-64, then a C-128, and finally built my first PC when I was 17. Then, the usual updates to a 286, 386, 486, etc. up to my current rig - which can run CE on Ultra settings without breaking a sweat. (The closest thing to a console that I have ever owned was my Atari 2600…)
In those days, a friend had a 10-base-T network in his house, and my friends and I would cart our PCs and monitors there to game. These were the early days of ID Software - Wolfenstein 3D, Doom, Quake. Little did I know that he knew the ID team and that we were actually beta testing…
At any rate, other first-person shooters held my attention over the years; notably the Half-Life and Left 4 Dead franchises. Nothing like Conan, though. I believe that CE was the first game I had bought since L4D2 was new, and my first survival sandbox. Contrast 1,500 hours here to maybe 700 in L4D2.
I have always played games, though, starting with the original Basic D&D sometime in the 70s. I base a lot of my builds on old D&D castles and keeps we played as children.
Even though I haven’t been terribly social, I am enjoying being part of this community. My wife passed six years ago and I have had some pretty serious RL issues in the past few years. This game and the community that has formed around it has helped me a lot. Thanks to everyone!


Thanks so much for sharing this with us and I am really sorry you lost your wife :frowning:

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It’d be fitting. You are both a PR Director and a sclerosis survivor.

Studio Wildcard does a few charity fundraisers for children ie. “Extra Life Charity”. Some Play marathon during major expansion unveilings, which is pretty genius. They’d make staff dress up in the craziest costumes aswell. Great fun.

You and Jens would be in your elements for a similar event. You guys already have the stream know-how. Might be time to take it to the next level? Make good on your dream of cosplaying in that Zamorian Thief Outfit? :wink:

Edit: Then I realized that CE has an adult rating. Derp.

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Oh charity streams are already in the works. That’s not really what I meant (and we have done them in the past)

I was more thinking about an actual campaign with small videos of community members who face daily challenges and feature them prominently then encouraging others to share their RL challenges and how they tackle them :slight_smile:


Nice to get to know the player fan base, their talents in the industry out there, and how this game has helped them.

Let me see if I can share.

'Merica, 34 yr old, Ex-military Air Force, turned DoD Firefighter. Family man with 2 teenage daughters, a 3yr old male heir to my throne and my amazing Spartan woman of a wife.

My vices include kickboxing, picking things up and putting them down, …magnets… and select mmorpgs(none of that wow sht). I started out with final fantasy 11 online, but the lack of PvP made the game boring. Wasn’t until Age of Conan came out that I learned some hardcore PvP, kind of the way I assume CoD players go hard in the paint.

For any AoC veterans, I actively camped the first bridge at the field of the dead spawn point, and ganked level 40s, as a lv 30… until I hit lv 41 just off pvp exp alone, and had to change zones to keep leveling.(guilty of combo skipping)

I have been a die hard fan of Funcom, despite the history(didn’t some guy named Craig get fired years ago?). The only reason I stopped playing AoC was because the gaming pc broke and I invested in the Xbox.

The excitement of Conan Exiles was real as a fan of the series, specially with it coming to Xbox intially. I have very little, if not zero complaints about the game, playing from a pve-c official server with friends(I have done PvP, private and tried my hand at my own server.) Being a filthy casual that can only game after everyone goes to sleep, the series really fits my play style.

Although my wife is not a gamer, she will join me at times and back seat drive my adventures in Conan as if we were watching football and the running back wasn’t doing his job.(How 'bout 'dem Cowboys!) When kids are set, and adulting is done for the day, we both kick back and enjoy shows like Game of Thrones, Spartacus, 300, etc. And never skip the channel if the original Conan movie is playing.


I’ve been absent in the Funcom forums because I typically browse Conan topics off reddit.

For whatever reason, I recently restarted a new character from scratch to play the pseudo Dark souls difficulty now present, and obtain all the new items. The game does not get old to me, and I just relocated to an open style base in the jungle so I could listen to the Tortage theme music while casually playing and pvping. This is since day 1 alpha launch, when the game booted you every 15mins or 15ft of travel, giving survival a new meaning in terms of not launching off a cliff. The good days of steel pick door raiding.

So, here’s to community support, helping players and throwing my money towards your NEXT Conan mmorpg.


Hi guys and gals, my name is Justin. Im from a really small town an hour north of Houston,Tx. After high school in 2002 i spent 4 years in the US Navy. During that time ive visited Portsmouth,England, Dubai,UAE, Souda Bay, Crete, Cartagena,Spain, Koper,Slovenia, just to name a few. Though i enjoyed travel gaming is my true passion. A passion me and my wife share. I started my gameing life on my Dads first gen atari and playing dig dug at the arcade. Ive played on every console since then minus PS3 and up, sorry Xbox was love at first start up. However my all time fave gaming system is the kitchen table. I have been roleplaying since i was 6 years old and my dad let me create a sheet for his and my uncles battletech mechwarrior rp. I thrive in a storytelling situation where I can let my imagination soar. Ive written the equivalence of 13 full novels and have yet to scratch the surface of what my imagination can manifest, though im always up for the challenge.

If you look at my thread “a list of potential improvement” in the Conan Exiles suggestion part of this forum you will see a sliver of my imagination.