Doors do not lock!

So, the containers and doors do not lock. Anyone can just walk into other people’s structures and steal their stuff! I went around my server today to test this, and I found that I can open everyones doors and walk into their homes. This needs to be fixed!!!

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What platform are you playing on? Server would be helpful too, but you might just want to send that direct to and not post here.

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Sorry. PS4. Who do I send the complaint to? It’s obviously a programming problem. Everything used to lick but no longer does. Someone said it’s because of the latest patch?

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this is a bug. report it here:
If you want to be safe, just be very basic, and when @Ignasi or @Tascha respond, send them server and spceifics to protect as much info as you can.


Ugh, I tried posting it there, but Spiny closed the post!


You weren’t there I was reading it when it got moved u had a single post

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Thanks for responding. I was sidetracked with my nasty habit known as work.


I don’t feel like I’m getting anywhere with this.

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I think funcom is aware of this bug. But editing your first post to list server type and region might help them.
It’s not clear if you are on PvP where accessing unlocked chests is possible … and the bug they know about is server restarts resets chests, drawbridges etc to unlock / open.
Or if you are on PvE and able to access other players items due to the “no owner” bug.

My server is a pvp. But when I had a server last year,call the doors and boxes were lockable. The doors locked automatically and would only let clan members in. Now it seems that the doors do not lock, and the containers are not lockable either.

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This is not a bug, u just have ur settings for the server wrong I suggest going over them again

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There is a current known bug that doors, drawbridges and chests (maybe all lockable containers) are changed to Unlock when a server restarts.
Ignasis posted in another thread yesterday (20h ago) that they have found the cause and coded a fix which will come in the next patch. But no date yet on when that patch is due.

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Hey there,

Indeed, this is a known issue that has been fixed internally. It should be released soon.


Thank goodness! I hope it’s released very soon!

June 2020. Still can’t lock doors or chests. Pve ps4

Found out this morning that benches chests doors were not locked on my server even though in game settings said they were had to go online gportal and change settings.

cant close the doors never