oh hi, nevermind the intrusion.
please, carry on
I want the new dune movie rotoscoped in post production…
Am i missins something here, is CE gonne be movie???
3 hrs of breaking rocks would be “groundbreaking” entertainment
It actually was, 39 years ago and never more recent than that, don’t go looking for any other ones.
Dune is Funcom’s next big project after CE, and there is a Dune movie coming out shortly as well. If the movie does well, the game might see bigger hype at launch. If it flops, there will be some bad stigma around the IP for years to come until the next attempt at a reboot in ~20-30 years.
That was Alejandro Jodorowsky’s project. It was cut before entering production but after a magnificent storyboard was made. At that time producers thought it’d be way too expensive without any guaranteed return to investment.
David Lynch’s Dune was aired in 1984. It was made without any imput from Jodorowsky’s project and took many liberties from the book. But it’s a good movie by itself. And a not so bad adaptation from Herbert’s Book. Everythings that matter in the book are in the movie even if not all the details to explain clearly aren’t.
From my experience it’s a movie you appreciate more after each re-watch. When it aired I hated it. I was 19 yo and a big fan of the books. I’ve read all those translated in French at that time three or four times. The only things I saw was what wasn’t in the movie and how different from my own vision the main characters were. Since that time I’ve re-watched it a dozen times and started to appreciate it for its own merit as a movie. After I’ve seen Twin Peaks series and many other movies from David Lynch, especially Blue Velvet, I must admit.
There were a few carry overs from Jodorovsky but minimal (Gieger’s Harkonen influences for example). Anyone interested in the original Dune concept should check out the Incal comics.
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