Time to use your freakin t6 chars with fully decked RF rings for something challanging, this is a top 3 leaderboard to see who did the timetrial dungeons fastest, get together with some friends upload whatever timer you get in the thread!
Class-stacking not allowed except for tanks.
Manual timestamp in the chat (F9-button) and screenshot that along with the dungeon-timer from the chat
Kills you made in the past doesnt count, starts from now.
For now only instancetimers count, copice and abyss only has bosstimer so those are included anyway.
All listed dungeons have built in time-trial, you start it by walking far enough to get a window where u accept or decline the timer to start. When you press accept the timer will start so go as fast as you can, when u are done with the last boss, the timer will pop up in the chat.
btw. The usual little group of people That I do 6 man’s with will probably keep doing master timers to see if we can improve our results. But we are way to slacky to be racing for real i think. But we will put up some timers and screenshots in the future if we got something good to share