Game mode: Online official | Online private | Single-player
Type of issue: Bug
Applying dye to armor currently equipped on a thrall does not show the correct preview model for the dye, and once applied, the new colors do not appear on the thrall until the item is re-equipped or the session restarts. Happens both in SP and MP without mods.
Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced.
- Get some colorful dye and have a modest thrall of the opposite gender as your player wearing armor or clothes.
- In the thrall’s inventory, select the item while the thrall is still wearing it and choose Dye.
- Notice the preview shown for the piece to dye is shown for your gender instead of theirs.
- Apply the dye changes and notice nothing seems to happen. Re-equip the piece on the thrall and notice the colors update.
The dye colors failing to update was previously reported here by esteemed Sir Barnes:
Just giving that related issue a friendly nudge while in the neighborhood.